We all do research

Talking about Research Methods, many would consider that as an academic subject. It seems to be unrelated to our daily lives. Actually, we all do research. Take the following photo I  found from facebook as an example:

This is an example of taking photo as an evidence of observation and using it to make an empirical generalization. Here is another example:

In this diagram, the creator offers a specific view of parents collecting red pockets from their children. It can be expressed in the following root definition (in terms of soft systems methodololgoy):

A red pocket confiscated system operated by parents to transfer the red pocket money ownership from their children during Lunar New Year with apparently good intention.

Using soft systems methodology, it is useful to develop a conceptual model on this root definition as well as to conduct a CATWOE analysis on this root definition.

The point I want to make is: Research Methods and related methodologies, such as soft systems methodology, are not academic tools; they can enhance our analytical ability to cope with problems we face in daily life. Back to my examples above, we can enhance our abilities to do observation research or evaluate findings/ viewpoints from others with more intellectual competence via learning the subjects like Research Methods and Systems Thinking. They are useful and they are not boring. You do need to develop interest to learn it and to do so not just for the purpose of passing examinations, etc..


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