Some common dissertation queries

From a recent phone chat with a student, I came across the same query from students related to final year dissertation:

Question 1: If the dissertation report should have word count of 100,000 while your report has 6,000 words or 140,000, is it still OK?
My answer: try to stick to 100,000 words. +/- 5%; if your word count deviates by more than 10%, it can be a serious problem, and it probably also indicates that there is fundamentally a serious quality problem with your dissetation report.

Question 2 from students: If I have the problem as mentioned in Question 1 (e.g. +/- 20%), will I still get a pass with my dissertation. You see, I just want a pass.
My answer: I am fully aware of your goal; but it is not necessary to tell me about that, unless you think that "if I fail your dissertation  report, I am a bad guy." Whatever your intention is, it is irrevelant to my supervision work. If your dissetation report's quality is good enough for  a pass, I will give you a pass. If, on the other hand, your dissertation report is of very poor quality, I am not able to give you a pass.

These days, I am not keen to supervise and assesss dissertation reports as an appointed supervisor; and it is clear that many students are also unwilling (or too busy) (as well as incapable) to do dissertation projects. However, I do enjoy advising students on dissertation projects on an informal and friendly basis as a mentor.


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