Learning Research Methods: why is it important?

These days, education centres ask me to teach Research Methods; while marking dissertation reports and assignments, I have this viewpoint: How can a student expect to write a dissertation report that shows good understanding of Research Methods, if the student does not study Research Methods textbooks and does not spend sufficient time to do literature review?

When students do not know what to do with writing dissertation proposals, I heard one of the teachers said: "I will ask the students to form groups to discuss how to formulate proposals". If the students do not know Research Methods and do not know how to do literaure review, we should teach and encourage them to study the subject well.

If the students are not interested to learn Research Methods, we should explain to them why learning Research Methods is good to their  human and professional development. We should set up a role model to students.. ultimately, not all students are interested in learning Research Methods; however, there are students who are keen to learn and have spent their hard-earned money to learn it via the courses we offer to them. Taking care of students who are keen to learn is what I will do. And that I will do mainly as a lone wolf these days.


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