A tour as a field study - Seoul and Jeju, ROK

Joining a tour is quite tiring, not relaxing. For me, the main purpose is to observe and learn, especially from the standpoint of a researcher. Let's call this field observation. My main tool to use is a camera. From the eyes of a researcher in tourism study, I took photos, made observations, including trying the local food and purchasing some souvenirs. In the process, I have had a brief and limited exposure to the local culture, this time in Seoul and Jeju.

Due to my age, I am much less willing to carry heavy luggage in a tour trip. It takes a few days to organize and post my tour photos in my facebook - so you have to be patient to see my trip photos; I also need to do some editing work and the photo album should be available in a week's time. Meanwhile, I need to recover from this tiring trip. Like other tours I have joined, I learned a lot from the tour guide. Unlike other participants in the tour, I dislike negotiation of prices and tend to buy local stuff as a friendly gesture to the locals, many of them are the poor people... so why not let them feel happier by earning a bit more?


  1. I like it. stop negotiating of price and let the local feel much happier just paying a bit more


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