The reasons for success in study and career

Question 1: What are the reasons for earning good salaries/ incomes? Professional competence + social networking + luck + genuine interest in your work + physical and mental health, etc...
Question 2: What are the reasons for obtaining good results in your study, notably on finaly year dissertations? I believe the reasons are the same as question 1.

Now then. Some students do not study Research methods, do not know how to do literature review, do not not know how to use elibrary, do not have the required writing skill and do not have time to conduct the research project; yet, they expect a pass by submitting reports of very low quality...

In a recent case, a Master Degree student made an oral presentation for his final year project. He was barely able to read out notes with poor oral English. [The content of his presentation  was also very poor for a project presentation].. Every time, he encountered the word "perspective", he struggled to pronunciate it properly.   Over time, some of these students graduate with good academic qualification and some of them take up part-time teaching....

Recently, some students in an education centre complained that their teacher just reads out lecture notes and could not pronunciate words properly.....   students were upset and lodgded complaints to the education centre...  the teacher has the qualification but he is not qualified to teach... the reasons for sucess in teaching do not exist....


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