On Independent study objectives

Quite a number of Independent Study students do not know what is a research objective. Research Methods textbooks have explained this topic and academic articles provide you with examples on research objectives. I would like to make some clarification here:

Research objectives start with the following verbs:

  • To find out...
  • To explain...
  • To evaluate...
  • To predict..
  • To measure...
  • To create....
  • To recommend...

when formulating your proposal objectives, try to also specify who your targeted readers are and what are the expected benefits to these readers so as to establish the practical and academic values of your proposal study. You may use a few of the academic jargons to formulate your proposal objective, e.g. to assess the intensity of competition of XXX business sector using Porter's 5-Force Model, etc.

Once you specify your proposal objectives, you need to specify your research design, e.g. set up a hypothesis test or design an online opinion survey, etc. In short, a hypothesis test is a research design (a means) to meet the the research objective (an end).

  1. Related blog article 1: http://josephho33.blogspot.com/2011/09/dissertation-objectives-and-research.html
  2. Related blog article 2: http://josephkkhoworkdiary.blogspot.com/2012/01/on-independent-study-topic-problem-is.html
  3. Collis, J. and Hussey, R. (2003) "Chapter 1: Understanding research" Business Research, Palgrave.


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