Difficulties to find relevant academic articles in Literature Review

Some students expresses difficulties to find "relevant" academic articles from elibrary and feel that searching for articles in e-library is very time-consuming. I think the difficulty is mainly caused by some improper steps in doing literature review. My advices are as follows:

  1. you browse through elibrary journals in elibrary and come up with proposal ideas; not to specify a few concrete hypothesis and then search for relevant articles in elibrary.
  2. When you browse through some academic journals, you gather some "interesting" academic articles; browse through them and then come up with a proposal idea based on your reading of these articles. In this case, you will not have problems of finding "relevant" articles, because your proposal ideas are formulated from the articles you have collected from the e-library.
  3. The idea of doing e-library search is to enable you to develop skill to do e-library search as a professional skill. Such professional skill is highly relevant for your long-term professional development. Once you have endorsed this viewpoint, you will not feel that e-library searching is time-consuming.
  4. There is a also a snowball process involved: once you've identified an article of interest, you could identify key words from that article to search for other relevant articles. As a consequence, you become more and more informed on your topic area, which will enable you to refine your proposal ideas.
  5. Pls also note that literature review covers both books and journal articles; sometimes, consulting reports and whitepapers from the Internet are also relevant.


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