Examples of independent study and dissertation titles

Some students have difficulties to come up with proper independent study/ dissertation report titles. In my view, there is no simple way to formulate a report title because report titles reflect the views of the students on the nature of the dissertation/ independent reports. Thus, there is a requirement to have good understanding of Research Methods and a clear idea of what you intend to do for your dissertation/ independent study works. Having addressed alll these concerns, you could learn how to formulate report titles by reading academic articles. I provide some examples of refereed journal articles' titles for your reference:

  1. An analysis of factors affecting cross docking operations
  2. Managing logistics outsourcing relationships: an empirical investigation in China
  3. Measuring the consequences of using diverse supplier evaluation teams: a performance frontier perspective
  4. Factors impacting on accounting lag: an exploratory study of responding to TQM
  5. Trends in ethical sanctions within the accounting profession
  6. Accounting disclosure and firms' financial attribute: evidence from the UK stock market
  7. Financial reporting incentives for conservative accounting: the influence of legal and political institutions
  8. What affects accounting conservatism: a corporate governance perspective
  9. Application of the Business Risk Audit Model: A field study



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