Lecture agenda for Dissertation and consulting management

My lecture topics on Dissertation and Consulting Management are:

  1. Planning and managing project
  2. Performing research access and interventions
  3. Research and consulting ethics

Students should also refer to the two lecture notes: marketing qual part 1 and marketing qual part 2, which I will also review in class. Related blog ref.: http://josephho33.blogspot.com/2012/01/on-nature-of-qualitative-research.html

Some  specific information covered in  lecture 1:
Report requirements:
Marketing stream:
1. Dissertation report: 10,000 words

Business Admin stream:
1. Dissertation proposal: 1,000 words
2. Dissertation report (6000 words) and consulting report (1,500 words)
3. Oral Presentation

An example of an online survey tool: http://mysurvey.tw/

Facebook contact: facebook.com/josephho33

E-library note: http://josephho33.blogspot.com/2011/12/browsing-academic-e-library-brief-note.html
Academic publishers' websites: http://josephho33.blogspot.com/2011/12/major-websites-of-academic-publishers.html

"+, -, x, ÷" formula: http://josephkkhoworkdiary.blogspot.com/2012/02/technique-of-x-in-theory-building.html

Useful facebook forum: https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/194088197319308/


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