IT infrastructure function evaluation - a coaching exercise

The following dissertation topic is being worked on in my recent dissertation coaching project:

The dissertation theme is: to evaluate the Information Technology infrastructure function of ABC Ltd using the concepts of Complexity and Law of Requisite Variety: a case study

The main theories to use:

  1. Weill and Broadbent (1998) Leveraging the new infrastructure, Harvard Business School Press
  2. Beer, S. (1981) Brain of the Firm, Wiley
  3. Clemson, B. (1984) Cybernetics, Abacus Press
  4. Baccarini, D. (1996) "The concept of project complexity - a review" International Journal of Project Management 14(4)
  5. Flood and Carson (1988) Dealing with Complexity, Plenum Press
  6. Yin, R.K. (1989) Case Study Research, SAGE publications
Basically, the IT infrastructure planning methodology of Weill and Broadbent is used to review the IT infrastructure function as well as the IT infrastructure management of ABC Ltd; then the notions of complexity and Law of Requisite Variety are further employed to evaluate the IT infrastructure management capability of ABC Ltd. These theories are to be reviewed in the Literature Review exercise of the dissertation work. As to the Research Design of the dissertation project, the main research method to be used is Case Study Research based on Yin (1989).


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