Housing Imaginations lecture 2

Housing Imaginations lecture 2 topics:  [back  to teaching plan]

Background knowledge
To start with, students learn some basic ideas about human geography (video1); human geography (video 2). Also study  the basic ideas  of humanistic geography (video); a lecture on humanistic geography (video); humanistic geography (a note).

On humanistic geography: slide 1

Slide 2

On  place
  • An article on place from me. Especially, pay attention to the following  diagram in the article:

  • Watch a brief video on the notion of non-place; it gives some additional ideas on the notion of place.
  • The following diagram stresses the idea of place-based problem-exploration:

Photo 2 (Sheung Shui Railway Station]

  • A photo analysis on North Point local market with the notion of place

  •  A video on time square (Hong Kong): an analysis with the place notion.
  • A video on Tai O (Hong Kong): an analysis with the place notion.
  • A video on HK (60-80) - about personal biography with a place
  • A video on a slum story in Egypt: an analysis with the place notion. In particular, discuss the place examined in terms of (Creswell, 2009) and the "place" notion of Ho (2016) [class exercise 1]:
    • Location: the absolute point in space with a specific set  of coordinates and measurable distances from other locations;
    • Locale: the material setting for social relations - the way a place looks;
    • Sense of place: the more nebulous meanings associated with a place: the feelings and emotions a place evokes.
  • Video 1 on Rangoon, Myanmar; Video 2: an analysis with the place notion. In particular, examine video 2 in terms of the "place" notion diagram of Ho (2016). [class exercise 2]

  • Video on Rio's Favelas, Brazil; an analysis with the place notion. In particular, consider the question from David Harvey (cited by Creswell,  2009): "By what social process(es) is a place constructed?" [class exercise 3]. Note the related song from Michael Jackson.
  • *****
  • Mandatory class exercisediscuss the challenges involved in using the "place" notion to study HI in HK setting as compared with the Western world settings.

  • Lecture 2 focuses more on generic ideas related to place and overseas examples.


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