Applied Research Methods lecture 2

Applied Research Methods lecture 2

Themes are: 

1.       From research philosophies, to inductive/ deductive reasoning, to a range of research strategies

2.       On ontology and epistemology

                                                                                  [back to teaching plan]

A. Videos: research philosophies; philosophical assumptionsinductive vs deductive reasoning; epistemology & ontology.; on research onioninductive and deductive  research.
**  also study the sociological notion of verstehen (for learning more the subjective research philosophy) [video] and verstehen and social facts (slide) to learn more about research philosophies.

B. Slides: inductive vs deductive reasoning; knowledge acquisition (related to epistemology); the research cyclepositivism vs interpretivism; characteristics of research paradigms; comparison of research paradigmsthe research onion diagram.

C. Readings: philosophies of research; epistemology & ontology.

D. Lecture note


  1. Literature on research methods
  2. Literature on reasoning


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