Housing Imagination lecture 5 details

Housing Imagination lecture 5 details

                                                  [back  to teaching plan]

Key theme is on "Home"

1. Readings: Ho's article on home; homelessness survey (HK)a related topic on homelessness (mind map). Another associated topic is on domestic violence (mind map).

Especially note the following diagram from Ho's article on home

3. Slides: slide 1; slide 2; slide 3; slide 4; notion of family; notion of household; functions of home.

4. Comments on lecture 4 class assignments:

Most students' review are able to consider the physical, mental and social aspects of space. Need time to study and apply the notion of "social construction of reality" to examine the video. Overall, useful intellectual endeavor. Also read Easthope (2004) on "Home"

5. Lecture notes:

Note 1

Note 2

6. Class exercises info.

HI lecture 5 exercise 1: on home: 
Use ontological security of home to study the video on home:
1. Home is site of constancy in the social and material environment:
2. Home is a spatial context in which day to day routines of human existence are performed;
3. home is a site where people feel most in control of their lives:
4. Home is a secure based around which identity are constructed.

HI lecture 5: exercise 2:
B. Use the 3 arguments on "sense of place" to examine the video on "street study" or "Beyond street singing" videos:
1. A sense of place is seen as natural (a territorial instinct):
2. A sense of place is seen as a result of the meaning people actively give to their lives (e.g. a cultural interpretation):
3. A sense of place is part of the politics of identity (e.g. defining oneself in opposition to an "other"),


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