"Managing Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Creativity" 2019 Teaching plan

Teaching plan of "Managing Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Creativity" (UGB234) 2019

From: JKKH

Teaching topics
May 2 (Thur)
1.1. Introductory notions: on entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity
1.2. Am I entrepreneurial, innovative and creative?
May 9 (Thur)
May 11 (Sat)
May 16 (Thur)
May 23 (Thur)
May 30 (Thur)
June 6 (Thur)
7. How to manage and control the entrepreneurial activities, innovation and creativity I

Video: 12,000 startups being created everyday China
Video: entrepreneurial opportunities
Video: 5 pitch mistakes entrepreneurs make
Video: what's market segmentation (part 1)
Video: how to do market segmentation (part 2)
Video: how to select a beachhead

All about contingency planning for doing assignment task 3
Video: an introduction to contingency planning (for doing assignment task 2); an introduction to probability/ impact grid for contingency planning, i.e. to cope with unexpected events which threaten the new venture business with alternative plans (plan B, plan C) to reduce business risk.

Slides: motivation to start a new business; startup funding cycle; startup process; the life cycle of a business; elements of a business plan; teamwork (quote of Steve Jobs); M. Tyson's quote on "plan".

e-readings: an introduction to business plan.; steps to start a new business; what is a pitch deck.
June 15(Sat)
8. How to manage and control the entrepreneurial activities, innovation and creativity II

Video: Richard Branson's advice for entrepreneurs
Video: advice to women entrepreneurs
Video: startup funding explained
Video: how to distribute startup equity
Video: startup incubators
Video: create your own startup accelerator
Video: Understanding incubators and accelerators
Video: what is a beachhead market (part 1)
Video: how to select a beachhead market (part 2)
Video: legal issues facing entrepreneurs
Video: tips on when to go full time as an entrepreneur

Slides: barriers to entrepreneurship; risks of entrepreneurship; networking of entrepreneurship; how incubators help startups

e-readings: common legal issues facing entrepreneursmarketing challenges facing entrepreneurswhat startup accelerators actually do; Accelerators and incubators in HK; what is seed money dearth of early-stage venture capital in HK.

Specific e-resources for doing the following assignment task:
Option C – Theme - Idea/Concept Where do entrepreneurial and new venture ideas come from and how can we nurture them?

Videos: how to validate your startup ideas; from ideas to startup (on business model canvas); profitable small business ideas.

Option C – Theme - Idea/Concept Where do entrepreneurial and new venture ideas come from and how can we nurture them?
Videos: where to find startup business ideasHow to find business ideas based on new trends.

Mission and value statements: video: a brief introduction; slides: vision and mission statements. an example of a mission statement: Facebook.

On value chain: video: a brief explanationa slide.

On 5-Force model: video: a brief explanationa slide.
June 20(Thur)
9. Enterprise assessment I, with case studies

Video: 7 boldest entrepreneur moves
Video: 4-year old food startup - a case study
Video: Young entrepreneurs in China

e-resources related to "Option A –Theme - Society What is entrepreneurial society? How does entrepreneurship in society contributes to it in terms of economic growth and job creation, among others": assignment 2 task
Videos: Peter Drucker on entrepreneurial society; why entrepreneurs are important to the economy.
Articles: our entrepreneurial economy (Drucker); the new entrepreneurial economy; building the new entrepreneurial society; in search of the entrepreneurial society.

June 27(Thur)

Facebook group on the subject (study materials)
FB videos on entrepreneurship and creativity
FB group on business case study
Some readings on the subject from the lecturer (slides)


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