International business strategy lecture 1 2017

International business strategy lecture 1: specific teaching materials to review                         [back to teaching plan]

1. On the subject of international business strategy
1.1. Download the textbook
1.2: slide 1 (strategizing); slide 2 (being international); slide 3 (business trends); slide 4: economic outlook by region 2017; slide 5: global population (rural vs urban)
1.3: video 1 (recent business trends); video 2 (global business trends); video 3 (outlook end of 2016); video 4a (business trends for 2017); 4b (global economy 2017); video 5: global economy review - 2017; video 6a (the new silk road); video  6b (new silk road); 6c: one belt one road (an article); video 7: On Brexit; video 8: business stories to monitor in 2017; video 9: Asia 2017; video 10: CEO survey highlights 2017
1.4: Overall global business outlook (an article) + slide; global consumption of middle-class (slide); GDP growth by countries (slide); Trade statistics (slide); Inflation rate by country (slide); Gini index by countries (higher value means more inequality;slide); Global population trend (slide); Corruption perception index (slide); Doing  business index (slide); CEO confidence survey trend (slide); Largest companies by industry (slide)
2. On Foreign direct investment 
2.1. Introduction of the basic idea of FDI: What is FDI (video 1); advantages of FDI (video); disadvantages of FDI (video).
2.2: Articles and outloook info.: video 1 (trends); video 2 (recent trends); video 3 - basic info (fdi trends); video 4 (FDI trends in emerging countries); video 5 (FDI trends in Africa); video 6 (FDI report  2016); video 7 (growth of FDI); video 8 (corporate trends on FDI); video 9 (case study on Mongolia); slide 1 (overall recent FDI trends); slide 2 (MNCs' objectives to expand overseas)

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