Independent study local lecture 2

Topics to cover from me on the second Independent study lecture (local): (Hull U.)

2. Using  Hull U e-library for literature search
2.1: with Emerald
2.2 with Springer
2.4 with ScienceDirect
2.5 with Wiley
2.6 with Sage

6. Examples on "Abstract"; also visit the website of Emerald which has a standardized format  on abstract (an example).

9. A hot IS topic is "capital structure"; another example of Accounting and Finance topic is "earnings management". A third example that could be feasible is dividend policy.

10: Financial portal with financial ratio statistics: infocast

11. Pls study the Hull U. templates on proposal and final report.

12. Bear in mind the resource constraints of doing Independent study assignment: (i) use easily available secondary data, e.g. financial figures and economic statistics; (ii) use descriptive statistics or correlation analysis for your research method. For item (ii), the article (HK airport runway survey) with multiple regression analysis is illustrative.

13. Qualitative/ quantitative data analysis on contents, e.g. annual reports and newspaper articles could be considered; but do not just repeat and offer some casual personal interpretation of contents. There are specific methods on thematic analysis and content analysis to use in this case.

14. You also need  to pick up some Research Methods jargon to describe, e.g., qualitative or quantitative research, and evaluate research, your design; Evaluation criteria  can be in terms of validity, reliability, ethical consideration, feasibility, and actionable value (similar to relevance). A brief video on qualitative vs quantitative  research is here.

15. Since this is a mini-dissertation project, you are not required to be very skillful in using Research Methods concepts in your IS assignment.  However, you do need to use some of the Research Methods concepts in your IS report to demonstrate that you have some basic skills/ understanding of  Research Methods.

16. Some students may be interested in learning more about null and alternate hypothesis; a video that briefs on it is here.

17. Make sure you use the Hull U. IS proposal and report templates to format your IS proposal and final IS report.

18. Kindly take a look at local lecture 1 blog article if you have missed it.

19. A reminder on writing style


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