Independent study 2017 - local e-resources

Some e-resources for the Independent study classes 2017:

A. Facebook pages

  1. Literature on research methods
  2. Literature on dissertation project and writing
  3. Literature on literature review
  4. Literature on correlation analysis
  5. Literature on survey research
  6. Literature on content analysis
  7. Literature on research quality
  8. Literature on research ethics and practical considerations
  9. Literature on interview research
  10. Literature on focus group
  11. Literature on qualitative research
  12. Literature on quantitative research
  13. Literature on observation research
  14. Literature on experiment research
  15. Literature on case study research

B. Other resources

  1. e-learning resources (FB-based)
  2. Research Method group (FB-based)
  3. Textbook (pdf)

C: Major deliverable specifications

On proposal

On oral presentation

On final report


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