Housing imaginations lecture 1 topics

Housing Imaginations lecture 1 topics, 2017: details: 

1. Introduction to the subject (re: Ho's article on what is housing imagination) and the blog article on HI basic ideas. The subject draws on ideas from geographical imagination and sociological imaginations (video).

2. Briefing on assignments 1 (refer to assingment 1 ppt) and 2. Specifically,  for assignment 1, perform the following tasks:

Task 1: 10 min. presentation with submission  of the powerpoint file.
Task 1: Select an artifact, e.g. a photo, a newspaper article or a book, etc., and bring out the ‘housing imaginaries’; or ‘housing imaginations (hi’s)’ from the artifact, as related to a housing studies topic, e.g. homelessness, homeownership, social housing, etc..
Task 2: Discuss the various Housing Studies-related gi’s (i.e. hi’s) as associated to this artifact, based on the GI lens
Task 3: Examine these Housing Studies-related gi’s3 (hi’s) in terms of place, space, and the meanings of home.
Task 4: Examine a few “socially produced discourses” as related to your discussion in Tasks 2 and 3.
Task 5: Come up with some Housing Studies-related viewpoints and findings on the chosen housing studies topic that have actionable value for certain stakeholders, out of your study outcomes from Tasks 1 to 4.

3. What is plagiarism? Types of plagiarismSelf-plagiarism? You also need to know how to write in academic writing style, including practising harvard referencing. The topic of paraphrasing is also relevant.
For assignment 2 - 2017, updated info is as follows:

Assignment 2: Essay

This is an essay of 2500 – 3000 words. Choose from one of the following questions:

1.     Critically discuss the assertion by Doreen Massey (1992) that homes, like all ‘places’, are open to, and created by, the social relations which extend beyond them.

2.     To what extent does the concept of ‘place’ provide a useful; basis for understanding the dynamics and conflicts surrounding home-places?

3.     In what ways is the housing imagination gendered and classed?

Refer to the teaching plan for dates of presentation and doc. submission

4. e-resources


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