MBA (Sunderland) Research methods lecture 4

MBA Research methods lecture 4

Lecture 4 of Research Methods for MBA (Sunderland), Oct-Nov, 2016

1. Correlation analysis; (a folder of slides for illustration)
2. Literature reviewdiagramming-based literature reviewimage 1image 2image 3;image
3. Literaturer process model
4literature review videolist of academic publisher websites
5. Dissertation writing skills: e.g. on harvard referencingon plagiarismplagiarism video; samples of dissertation reports (HKU thesis portal); image 1image 2image 3academic writing video; a sample report for class discussion


  1. FB page on correlation analysis
  2. FB page on dissertation report writing
  3. FB page on literature review; also see ebook on mind mapping for literature review
  4. FB page on mind mapping (related to literature review)
  5. Diagramming based literature review: ebook
  6. Sunderland U. e-library


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