Housing difference and diversity - teaching plan 2015

Teaching plan – Housing Difference and Diversity, 2015: Jan - April
Prepared by Joseph Ho
Lecture section
Jan, 29
·       Introduction of the subject
·       Briefing on assignment 1
Ng. 2014. (newspaper article)
Feb. 5
·       Social housing and Affordable housing – UK context
·       Facebook folder on social housing
·       Balchin and Rhoden: Ch. 11: Affordability
·       Chung. 2014. (newspaper article)
·       UK lecture 1 readings
Feb 12
·       Social housing and Affordable housing – HK context
·       Facebook group on Housing Studies (JKKH)
Feb 26
·       Housing, social exclusion and inclusion – UK context
·       Age and housing – UK context
·       Balchin and Rhoden: Ch. 14: Social exclusion
·       Somerville and Sprigings: Chapter 8: Disability and inclusive housing design
·       Balchin and Rhoden: Ch. 16: Housing and the elderly
·       UK lecture 2 readings
Mar 5
·       Housing, social exclusion and inclusion – HK context
·       Age and housing – HK context
·       Tsang. 2014. (newspaper article)
·       Facebook folder on social housing
Mar 12
·       Segregation and discrimination in Housing – UK context
·       Domestic violence – UK context
·       Briefing on assignment 2
·       Facebook folder on domestic violence
·       UK lecture 3 readings
Mar 19
·       Segregation and discrimination in Housing – HK context

·       Chan et al. 2014.
Mar 26
·       Women and housing – UK context
·       Race/ ethnicity and housing – UK context
·       Balchin and Rhoden: Ch. 17: Gender and housing
·       Somerville and Sprigings: Chapter 7: Housing, gender and social policy
·       Balchin and Rhoden: Ch. 18: Black and Asian minorities and housing
·       Somerville and Sprigings: Chapter 6: Ethicity, ‘race’ and policy issues
·       UK lecture 4 readings
Apr 2
·       Women and housing – HK context
·       Race/ ethnicity and housing – HK context
·       Chan. 1993.
Apr 9
·       The Ethics and Housing Providers – UK context
·       Housing and social justice
·       Housing and community support

·       UK lecture 5 readings
·       Somerville and Sprigings: Chapter 3: Housing policy and social justice
·       Balchin and Rhoden: Ch. 15: Housing and community support
Apr 16
·       The Ethics and Housing Providers – HK context

·       Estate Agents Authority, 2010
·       HK Construction Association, 2014
Apr 23
·       Housing policy – UK context
·       Housing policy  - HK context
·       Revision
·       Somerville and Sprigings: Chapter 2: What has the state ever done for us?
·       Somerville and Sprigings: Chapter 10: Housing and urban regeneration policy
·       Somerville and Sprigings: Chapter 11: Housing and social policy futures
·       Cheung. 2014. (newspaper article)
·       Kamp. 2014. (newspaper article)

Textbook references
Balchin, P. and Rhoden, M. 2002. Housing Policy: an introduction.London. Routledge (Chapters 11 onwards)
Somerville, P., and Sprigings, N. 2005. Housing and Social Policy Routledge: London
Internet resources
Facebook group on Housing Studies (JKKH): https://www.facebook.com/groups/built.environment.jkkho/
Local news (South China Morning Post) [newspaper articles]
Cheung, B.L. 2014. “Insight: Building a future” South China Morning Post December 18: A17.
Chung, S. 2014. “Markets: Cities with unaffordable homes now a global trend” South China Morning Post November 19: P2.
Kamp, J.V.D. 2014. “Stop pandering to haves on homes policy” South China Morning Post December 18: B1.
Ng, K.C. 2014. “Development: Chan again points to parks as housing solution” South China Morning Post December 8: C1.
Tsang, E. 2014. “’Difficult’ to put a time on wait for care homes” South China Morning Post December 9: C4.
Chan, Y.L.P. “Housing and gender inequality: a case study of elderly women in the public housing of Hong Kong. Thesis for Master of Housing Management, University of Hong Kong. (url address: http://hub.hku.hk/handle/10722/278600) [visited at December 22, 2014].
Chan, K.Y. et al. 2014. “Situation of racial discrimination in Hong Kong” (url address: www.cityu.edu.hk/ss/bss/seminarNov1.doc) [visite at December 22, 2014].
HK Estate Agents Authority. 2010.  Practice Guide. (url address: file:///D:/Joe/Joe1/Joe/aibe/Housing%20diversity/hk%20estate%20agency%20ethics%20practice%20guide.pdf) [visited at December 22, 2014].
Hong Kong Construction Association. 2014. Code of Ethics. (url address: http://www.hkca.com.hk/eng_ethics.htm) [visited at December 22, 2014].

Assignment info

Videos on housing

Brief notes 2015


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