Research in IT tutorials 5 and 6

For tutorials 5 and 6 of Research in IT, the tutorial tasks are as follows:

You need to study lecture notes and textbooks on Research Methods on discussion of (i) Research Process and (ii) hypothesis.

I will also review the following readings with you in the upcoming tutorial session:

  1. Adams et al. (2007) "Chapter 3: The Research Cycle" Research Methods  for Graduate Business and Social Science Students, Response from SAGE.
  2. Bailey, K.D. (1994) "Chapter 3: Constructing Social Explanations" Methods of Social Research, The Free Press.

Pls be reminded that you need to study the subject of Soft Systems Methodology in this subject.

Related tutorial note 1:

Note 2:

Related facebook forum on Research Methods:!/groups/194088197319308/


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