Learning logbook practice - some clarification

Students studying for Research in IT  need to submit a learning logbook for the assignment. According to the assignment requirement, a learning logbook should include:

  1. Diary information study activities, e.g. group meetings, internet search efforts, libary based search and company visits, etc; try to provide this information in the form of a diary: Date XXX: Do XXX; objectives XXX; actual results: XXX; Reflective and evaluative comments XXX
  2. Study notes on reading articles: e.g. https://www.facebook.com/#!/notes/joseph-kk-ho/e-health-study-note/10151002854422819 (you could just mention the name of the note and put the actual notes in the appendix
  3. Sketches of ideas: http://josephkkhoworkdiary.blogspot.hk/2012/07/e-coaching-diagrams-rough-drafts.html
  4. Factors that contribute to your learning processes: access to e-library; lecturer's form of support: classroom lecture and afterclass e-communication; quality of peer collaboration, enhanced methods of study, etc. [you need to discuss them]


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