MBA Project PGBM161 [topup 54]– teaching plan 2022

 MBA Project PGBM161 [topup 54]– teaching plan 2022

Synopsis Form: 19 Jan 2023                         

Proposal: 9 Mar 2023

Dissertation only

Dissertation: July 2023

Dissertation with two modules

Dissertation: October 2023



1.    Oct 28 (Fri)


An introduction of dissertation project with some samples and templates.

HK U thesis portal

Additional advice on dissertation projects.

Dissertation table of contents template.

Module guide info on dissertation report content.

a sample on synopsis document.

a sample of project proposal.

the updated proposal template.

about low-risk, high-return dissertation project (a blog note)

2.    Nov 4 (Fri)


Methods to conduct MBA dissertation projects - discussion 1

* formulation of research objectives by dissertation types.

* on the orientation phase of dissertation projects.

 * on management-concerns diagram: an article

* on theoretical frameworks: an article

* on how to formulate a proper dissertation project title.

*Collections of blog notes on ALRA 2019,  2018, 2022, and 2023 [total 4 volumes].

ALRA articles.

3.    Nov 11 (Fri)


Methods to conduct MBA dissertation projects - discussion 2

a collection of video learning materials on research methods/ dissertation topics

* on the orientation phase of dissertation projects.

 * on management-concerns diagram: an article

* on theoretical frameworks: an article

* remember to compare table of content template with the dissertation sample of John Cruise.

Dissertation table of contents template.

* dissertation sample in Google Drive.

4.    Nov 18 (Friday)


Dissertation reporting writing: on dissertation report structure

* on management-concerns diagram: an article

* also study a blog note about handling your management-concerns diagram.

* on theoretical frameworks: an article

*Collections of blog notes on ALRA 2019,  2018 and 2022. [total 3 volumes].

A revision on the topic of the resource based view (a video). [also refer to the blog note on this kind of e-resources]. This discussion is related to ALRA zone 2.

Dissertation table of contents template.

5.    Nov 25 (Fri)


Literature review skills – briefing 1

  * on management-concerns diagram: an article

* on theoretical frameworks: an article

* on how to formulate a proper dissertation project title.

*Collections of blog notes on ALRA 2019,  2018 and 2022. [total 3 volumes].

* especially note the 2 directions of literature review.

* an example of literature review on innovation capability.

* a video on scientific claims (related to "academic ideas" in theoretical framework level 1a).

** to produce a proper theoretical framework level-0, you need to have some idea about coding (in grounded theory).

** Queries and answers as related to academic ideas of theoretical framework levels 0 and 1.

a collection of research methods videos (grand total collection).

ALRA articles.

* a blog note about wordings used in mgt-concerns diagram and theoretical framework.

Learning literature review - study materials.

** a note on academic ideas from literature review: an illustration.

Academic publisher websites:

1. Sciencedirect.

2. Proquest.

3. Emerald.insight.

4. Wiley online library.

5. Taylor and Francis online.

6. Sage journals.

7. Springer.

8. pdfdrive. [ebooks]

6.    Dec 2 (Friday)


Literature review skills – briefing 2

* a blog note:  how is the synopsis form content related to the ALRA diagrams.

Learning literature review - study materials.

* An ALRA article with comparison between mainstream literature review and the ALRA.

* especially note the 2 directions of literature review.

* the two versions of contextualization in MBA dissertation project works.

* a guide to study literature review for ALRA employment: a blog note.

a collection of research methods videos (grand total collection).

how to formulate a specific research method, e.g. observational research design.

7.    Dec 9 (Friday)


On the topic of literature review:

Learning literature review - study materials.

An ALRA article with comparison between mainstream literature review and the ALRA.

* especially note the 2 directions of literature review.

the two versions of contextualization in MBA dissertation project works.

a guide to study literature review for ALRA employment: a blog note.

to work out the preliminary ALRA diagrams from the synopsis doc draft: an illustration.

* on core-focus-domain in ALRA diagrams.

* on the holistic nature of the ALRA.

 Academic publisher websites:

1. Sciencedirect.

2. Proquest.

3. Emerald.insight.

4. Wiley online library.

5. Taylor and Francis online.

6. Sage journals.

7. Springer.

8. pdfdrive. [ebooks]

Research methods in terms of the onion model.

 Research methods - an introduction on a range of research methods.1

 * videos on research methods.

Additional advice from the university on dissertation work.

* A blog note on dissertation project effort adequacy.

 * videos on the onion model topics.

on cultivating business sense.

formulating a suitable dissertation topic and research design.

* a blog note on "the pros and cons of individual research methods".

A notice:

Dear Colleagues,

 Please be informed that we will implement a new module evaluation collection from now onwards and try to improve the student respond rate.

 Evaluation will schedule to be conducted during the last 3-4 sessions and we would try to conduct the evaluation in face to face session for those Blended study mode. We will arrange a part time staff to drop in your class during break time to collect the evaluation feedback. Our part time staff will approach you on the date and to agree the time to drop in for the evaluation. Our part time staff will provide a QR code for student to scan and submit the evaluation form online.

 For those online session, we will post the evaluation link to the TEAM chat during the last 3-4 sessions of the module. It would be great if you can encourage students to complete the evaluation form before start of session/ during break/ near the end of session. Thank you for your help in advance and hope this new procedure improve the module evaluation responding rate.

8.    Dec 16 (Friday)


Last lecture for the whole class; to be split into two groups next week.

Research methods - an introduction on a range of research methods.2

On how to work with your dissertation supervisor. Also refer to my blog note on supervisor's style.

a sample of project proposal.

the updated proposal template.

* two types of dissertation projects.

* a note on the notion of "unit of analysis"

* a note on how to make management-concerns items more concise and precise.

* a revision on the formulation of the synopsis form as informed by the ALRA diagrams.

New FB group on ALRA literature review.

* A bog note on the legitimate reasons to reduce items number in the theoretical framework.

* a blog note on "the pros and cons of individual research methods".

videos on research methods.

Additional advice from the university on dissertation work.

* A blog note on dissertation project effort adequacy.

on cultivating business sense.

formulating a suitable dissertation topic and research design.

9.    Jan 4 (Wed)


Research methods - an introduction on a range of research methods.3

* a note: when is a factor a zone 1 item?

* a note on the academic terms-based nature of theoretical framework level-0.

* how to formulate and evaluate zone 3a items: a note.

* on desk research: a collection of readings.

* some suggestions on the table of contents and related study efforts for academic-oriented dissertation project.

* a note on exploratory exercise on project orientation phase using cognitive mapping technique.

 Research methods: pros and cons.

* a note on uncovering the elements of project titles and diagram titles etc.

* a blog note on "the pros and cons of individual research methods".

videos on research methods.

 * videos on the onion model topics.

* a revision on the formulation of the synopsis form as informed by the ALRA diagrams.

A revision of the sample dissertation report (John Cruise) Chapter 1.

Dissertation table of contents template.

* a review of an academic-oriented dissertation project type: "How Project Management Principles are related to the success of a business" (in google drive: Google Drive); use the evaluation task list for this class exercise purpose.

* a revision on the formulation of the synopsis form as informed by the ALRA diagrams.

10.          Jan 11 (Wed)


Research methods quality criteria

* a note on exploratory exercise on project orientation phase using cognitive mapping technique. [another demonstration?]

Videos on research methods quality criteria.

* a note on desk research.

Class exercise to finish:

* a review of an academic-oriented dissertation project type: "How Project Management Principles are related to the success of a business" (in google drive: Google Drive); use the evaluation task list for this class exercise purpose.

Lecture exercise: a review of the dissertation report sample about CRM in hospitality sector.  Use the evaluation task list for this class exercise purpose.

A briefing about project proposal:
a sample of project proposal.

Videos on research method protocol.

* videos on the topic of theory.

Quantitative skills: pivot table

e-resource on statistical analysis.

* a note on the reasons of plagiarism (with video resources)

11.          Jan 18 (Wed)


Research ethics and the ethical form.

A note on how to refine preliminary proposal ideas (embryonic diagramming).

A note on quality of literature review.

A note on refining proposal ideas at the embryonic stage.

A revision of an ethics form lecture note. Also note the following info:

 the online ethic form. [submission date: probably from 

6 weeks after proposal submission to the date of 

sending the first dissertation draft to supervisor for review].

Additional notes on ethics form can be found in course google drive

desirable features of research objectives. (blog note)

* Lecture discussion exercise: a review of an MBA dissertation report "Improving marketing performance" in google drive: (Google Drive). Use the evaluation task list for this class exercise purpose.

class exercise purpose.

Lecture exercise: a review of the dissertation report sample about CRM in hospitality sector.  Use the evaluation task list for this class exercise purpose.

A briefing about project proposal:
a sample of project proposal.

Videos on research method protocol.

* videos on the topic of theory.

Dissertation table of contents template.

Quantitative skills: correlation and multiple regression analysis

Some info about Chatgpt (video) and the url address of chatgpt.

Class discussion: a discussion of a few popular topics:

1. News of the hotel sector HK

2. News of the catering sector: link 1: link 2; link 3 (HK).

12.          Feb 1 (Wed)


A note about "the chain of evidence". (also study a related topic of "argument". [see illustration on the dissertation sample of John Cruise].

Dissertation table of contents template [consulting-oriented project type) [compared that with the academic-oriented project type].

A note on steps to refine research questions for academic type of project.

A briefing on a few research methods:

Method 1: survey.

Method 2: interview.

Method 3: participant observation

A note on "research gap"

Lecture exercise: a review of the dissertation report sample about CRM in hospitality sector.  Use the evaluation task list for this class exercise purpose.

On "choosing a dissertation topic"

Quantitative skills: ANOVA

13.          Feb 8 (Wed)


class exercise purpose.

Lecture exercise: a review of the dissertation report sample about CRM in hospitality sector.  Use the evaluation task list for this class exercise purpose.

* Video resources on resource methods quality.

On plagiarism and harvard referencing

a video on harvard referencing.

* a review of the dissertation report of John Cruise.

Quantitative skills: Chi-squared test

A master blog note on statistics (video resources)

14.          Feb 15 (Wed)


Q&A of dissertation projects

* class review of a video on a literature review method (video).

15.          Feb 22 (Wed)


Q&A of dissertation projects

A master blog note on statistics (video resources); especially on the blog note on pivot table.

* Video resources on resource methods quality.

* e-resource (videos) on thin and thick description.

* on the know-how to synthesize academic ideas in theoretical framework level-1a.

* e-resource on theories and theoretical frameworks.

* e-resource (videos) on research project assumptions and limitations.

* e-resource on literature synthesis.

Lecture exercise: a review of the dissertation report sample about CRM in hospitality sector.  Use the evaluation task list for this class exercise purpose.

* videos on the topic of theory.


16.          Mar 1 (Wed)


Q&A of dissertation projects

* e-resource (videos) on research project assumptions and limitations.

* e-resource on literature synthesis.

* e-resource on theories and theoretical frameworks.; especially on what is theory?. and the video on concepts, models and theories.

A study of the self concept ethos and reflection for writing up chapter 7 (Reflection on personal development). Another video to study as related to chapter 7 is "why MBA?". (re: e-resource for chapter 7 writing preparation).



About face-to-face sessions: (see new details below)

Jan 3 (Tue): 19-21.30pm.

Jan 10 (Tue): 19-21.30pm.

Jan 17 (Tue): 19-21.30pm.

Jan 31 (Tue): 19-21.30pm.

Feb 7 (Tue): 19-21.30pm.

Feb 21 (Tue): 19-21.30pm.

Feb 28 (Tue): 19-21.30pm.

Mar 7 (Tue): 19-21.30pm.

More updated details now










Room 2


Room 2


Room 2


Room 2

** All FB resources are unavailable now.

Notice: about Facebook ac: Joseph KK Ho


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