Operations and ISM - teaching plan and assessment - 2015 May onward

Teaching plan 2015 for the subject of Operations and Information Systems Management, HK (total 48 hours; 12 sessions)

Session #
Topics/ activities
Session 1
(May 11, 2015: 6:30-10:00)
·       General course induction
·        Operations management
·       Operations performance
Core book 1: Operations management
Core  book 2: Operations performance
Session 2
(May 18, 2015: 6:30-10:00)
·       The global information age
·       The design of products and services
Core book 3: The global information age
Session 3
(May 23, 2015: 2-8:30)
·       Process design
·       Layout and flow
·       General systems theory
Core book 6: Process design
Core book 7: Layout and flow
Session 4
(June  1, 2015: 6:30-10:00)
·       Business systems activity
·       Capacity planning and control

Session 5
(June 5, 2015: 6:30-10:00)
·       People, jobs and organization
·       Work study
Core book 10: Work study
Session 6
(June 22, 2015: 6:30-10:00)
·       Presentations by groups

Session 7
(June 27, 2015: 2:00-8:30)
·       Quality management
·       Operations improvement
·       The global business environment

Core book 11: Quality management
Core book 12: Operations improvement
Session 8
(June 29, 2015: 6:30-10:00)
·       Business systems activity
Session 9
(July 6, 2015: 6:30-10:00)
·       Process technology
·       Information systems modelling
Core book 15: Process technology
Session 10
(July 13, 2015: 6:30-10:00)
·       Global information systems development
·       Rapid application development in dynamic global business environments
·       Information systems methodologies

Core book: Breen, L. and Hussain, Z. (compilers) Operations and Information Systems: Getting the foundations right and making it happen. Pearson Custom Publishing. Bradford University School of Management

OISM module assessment – main and supplementary

Part 1 (50%)
Part 2 (50%)
Design Challenge Exercise / Group Presentation
Individual Assignment (50%)
1.5 hour exam (50%)


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