Group presentation spec - OAISM - 2015 May

Assessment This assessment will form 50% of the overall module assessment (the other 50% being the online tests). It will take place in Semester 2 and will take place both in the tutorial environment and in students’ own time. 

The assessment will be in 2 parts: 
1. A creative exercise which asks students to work in self-selected groups to design a product or service within the business environment and to present their outputs as a group to the peers. Students will be fully briefed and prepared for this activity in class tutorials facilitated by OISM tutors and then will be given a time to formally present using a PowerPoint presentation. Their presentation will be graded using known assessment criteria and marking scheme. (25% overall) 
2. A final group report. Students will be advised on the content and parameters of this report in the course of the module. The report will feed from the group presentation material so it is worthwhile putting maximum effort into both components. (25% overall) The grade awarded from both elements will be out of 100%. These will then combined to give on overall mark for this assessment which is weighted at 50%. Exercise Brief You need to work in your group to design a product or a service and produce a presentation which addresses the criteria below. Each one will be addressed on an individual slide, so your entire presentation should consist of no more than 11 slides (the first will be a cover page/introductory page). 
1. Definition/description of new product/service 
2. Business Environment 
3. Market Demand 
4. Innovation 
5. Production and Supply Strategy 
6. Financial resources 
7. Promotion 
8. Role of Information 
9. Incorporation of new technologies 
10. Other information 

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When addressing the topics above in your presentation you may want to consider the following elements: 
Definition/description of new product/service This speaks for itself. 
What will the product do? 
What will it look like? 
Business Environment What is the internal environment of the business? What is the external environment of the business? How many different environments are there, e.g., technical, social….? Which layers of environment are crucial for the business, e.g., local, national and international? 
Market Demand Is there a demand and from whom? How do we know this? 
Innovation How many different types of innovations are there? 
Which is more important for the business that you are focusing on, and why?
Production and Supply Strategy 
How many are we making? 
What resources do we need to do so? 
How will it be delivered to our customers/users, e.g., what is our strategy in making/delivering this product/design? 
Do we aim to become the fore-runner in industry? 
Will we compete with existing competition? How many do we want to make and in what timescale? Is the product commercially viable? 
Financial resources: Do we know how much it will cost to make and/or deliver? Can we identify key costs? 
Promotion Who to, and how do we do it? 
What financial constraints do we have? 
Role of Information What information is crucial for your initiative, how will you obtain this information, maintain it, continual use, etc.? 
Incorporation of New Technologies: What technology devices are which you could use to help you this initiative, such as bar code readers, handheld computer etc.? 
Other Are there any other considerations that need to be discussed regarding your new product or service? 
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Completing the group presentation 
You will have 2 tutorial sessions to form and work in groups on this exercise.
You will then be asked to present in the predetermined format (discussed earlier) in planned weeks. 
The process for this assessment is as follows: 
1. Students self-select into a group of 5 maximum(but no less than 3) 
2. They then attend their tutorial sessions which are dedicated to this assessment preparation (2 in total) and work diligently on agreeing a good idea and working together on this project. 
3. Students will need to work outside these 2 sessions to complete this exercise so they should swap contact details and make arrangements to continue this work. 
4. The group must bring their presentation on a memory stick to the tutorial room and deliver their presentation at a predetermined time. All students will be notified in good time when they have to present. 
5. Students must also give their tutor a hard copy of the presentation and completed peer review sheets. 
6. The presentation front page must contain the student names and UB numbers. 
7. Failure to get into a group will result in students having to do an independent piece of work. 
This will be presented 1-1 with Dr Hussain/Another member of staff and will incur a reduction penalty of 10% on the grading. 8. Presentations will be held in the tutorial sessions and each presentation should only last a maximum of 10 minutes. Please decide within your group who will present your work before you arrive at this room. Your tutors will review all presentations based on the brief and criteria set and grade them accordingly (See Page 4 below). 
The grading criteria will be known to you so you should attempt to present material that will best match these. Time is restricted for this exercise but then again, if it was a real exercise, time is precious and deadlines need to be met. 

You should also give a hard copy of your presentation to your tutor and deliver all peer review sheets at the time of your presentation. Failure to present a full set of peer review sheets will mean a delay in the calculation of your grade. 
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OISM Design Challenge Presentation Marking Sheet 
Each group will have their presentation reviewed as follows: GROUP NAME: GROUP UB NUMBERS: REVIEWER: CRITERION SCORE (maximum 10 points) 0 = does not introduce this criterion 5 = introduces criterion but does not develop so that we have a good grasp on content and application 10 = introduces criterion and fully discusses application so that we can understand exactly how it might work (Marks can be awarded anywhere on the continuum from 0-10 based on content presented) Definition/description of new product/service Business Environment Market Demand Innovation Production and Supply strategy Financial Resources Promotion Role of Information Incorporation of New Technologies 
Other TOTAL GENERAL FEEDBACK: MAN0132L OISM_UG_2014/15_ Presentation and Report Page 5 of 9 Completing the Group Report
Each group will have to submit a report which discusses in more depth the content of the presentation that they have delivered. The word count of this work will be 5,000 as a group effort. 
Report Structure:
The body of the report should correlate with the headings used in your presentation. You also need to discuss relevant literature which you believe supports your work and how you’ve investigated your product/service (your methodology), e.g. what market research did you do. 
The structure of the report should therefore be as follows: 
1. Introduction 
2. Definition/description of new product/service 
3. Literature Review and Methodology 
4. Business Environment 
5. Market Demand 
6. Innovation 
7. Production and Supply Strategy 
8. Financial Resources 
9. Promotion 
10. Role of Information 
11. Incorporation of New Technologies 
12. Other information 
13. References 
14. Appendices 

In accordance with university regulations, penalties will be applied for reports that are over the standard word count. Additional information Please use the coversheet given in Appendix 1 for the Report cover in addition to the University front cover available at the Undergraduate Office. Also follow the advice in Appendix 2. MAN0132L OISM_UG_2014/15_ Presentation and Report Page 6 of 9 Presentation Peer Review All students must complete the Peer Review Form on the page below. These should be submitted by each group in an envelope on the day of the presentation. 

Once the grading for all presentations is completed the process is as follows: 
1. All peer review sheets will be reviewed to determine if there were any issues with ways of working as a group. If issues do arise students should report them to Dr Hussain in the early stages of this exercise. 
2. Should Dr Hussain see that some members of a group have not contributed to this exercise as they should have done (all students should contribute equally) then based on the severity of this marks will be reduced by 10 or 20% but no more than this. 
3. Each case for reduction will be scrutinised by Dr Hussain and moderated by another member of staff to validate the decision. 
4. As an example, the following rules may be applied (subject to case analysis): a) students who are reviewed as only participating in 60-70% of this activity by all group members may have a reduction of 10% b) students who are reviewed as only participating in 40-50% of this activity by all group members may have a reduction of 20% To avoid any reductions, students are advised to follow the procedure for this activity regarding the group formation (5 members maximum) and exercise execution (delivery of presentation and report) and report back any issues in the group ways of working/team dynamics as early as possible to Dr Hussain.


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