On oral presentation and reading notes

Univeristy requires the Business Admin students to make an oral presentation for their dissertation projects. Most students just read out the content from their notes with poor pronounciation; and the notes they read out have lots of grammatical errors. 1 student did not even provide powerpoint slides and just kept saying sorry. The summarized notes read out are often not a proper highlight of their dissertation reports. Anyway, the line of reasoning in the presentation content, very often, is disorganized and intellectually unimpressive.

After listening to their "presentation" for 1-2 minutes, I felt so bored that I just made some brief comments and gave a low but passing mark to most of them. Quite many of them would tell me that they were busy these days and did not have much time to work on their dissertation projects nor to prepare for their oral presentations. One of the students did a bit better than others; but, after the presentation, she walked up to me and said that she needed 76 marks so that she could get a First Honour.

If a speaker in the business world does what these students have been doing in presentation, they will be thrown out of venues right away. If a teacher just reads out the content from powerpoint slides in class, students will be scared...

Anyway, these students think that they are customers; and they think they still deserve a pass for their dissertation work; a few even think that they deserve a First Hon..

No wonder few people in the industry are impressed with the quality of university graduates these days... and it is difficult for employers to tell which job application candidates are good by solely referring to the candidates' academic qualification.

University graduates in 2013 are not the same as University graduates in the 70s and 80s..

Thus, make sure you really improve your intellectual skill via study; the qualification itself means less and less these days;school fee becomes more and more expensive; it is getting easier to get a pass; and finally, it is getting faster to finish a Degree programme. One constant is that at graduation ceremonies, School Deans deliver speeches with the same noble tone.


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