A student's account about my lecture

Very often, I am not fully aware of the implications of my viewpoints as expressed in my lecture. Thus, it is interesting to learn my student's account of what she picked up from my lecture. I quote the following from a student's email:

"讀完SMA之後我最記得你講过要“maintain sustainable competitive advantages".

当要連做幾份assignment及考試透不过氣時,又想起你的教導“just do it",“ 咁少事都驚,怎去保家衛國?“,便充滿能量!"

Yes, I did say that in my Strategic Management Accounting (SMA) lecture, but I still find it interesting to have this student's account on my lecture. Many thanks to my student indeed. I understand that my teaching style does not suit all students.. but then I "just do it".


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