Engineering and Technology Mgt topics for 2012

The following are the topics on Engineering and Technology Management for the 2012 class:

  1. Basic management theories and functions; also note the essence of Engineering Management (Teacher: Joseph Ho; date: Sept 18, 2012)
  2. Organization structures and design (also refer to (Teacher: Joseph Ho; date: September 25, 2012)
  3. Motivation and leadership (Teacher: Joseph Ho; date: Oct 9, 2012)
  4. Transportation management (Teacher: Joseph Ho: date: Oct. 16, 2012)
  5. Product life cycle management (Teacher: Joseph Ho; Oct. 30, 2012) [also cover cvp analysis]
  6. Basic operations management concepts and Inventory control (Teacher: Joseph Ho; date: Nov. 6, 2012) [also note:]
  7. Quantitative methods for forecasting and demand management (Teacher: Joseph Ho; date: Nov. 13, 2012)
  8. Linear programming (Teacher: Joseph Ho; date: Nov. 20, 2012)
  9. Decision theory and decision tree (Teacher: Sam Hui; date: Nov 27, 2012)
  10. Queuing theory and Simulation (Teacher: Joseph  Ho; date: Dec. 4, 2012)

Lecture time:    4:30pm to 7:30pm (3 hours)
Venues:   from 4:30pm to 6:30pm at Centennial Campus CPD-2.19
and from 6:30pm to 7:30pm: LE2

Subject assignment is as follows:

Assignment (Engineering Management - MECH3010). 2012
There are two tasks for this assignment (this makes up 20% of the total marks of the subject)
(Total 100 marks for this assignment)

Task 1 (60 marks)
Discuss how the conceptual framework on Product Life Cycle Management can be employed by Engineering Manager(s) to enhance their contribution to new product development in their companies. You are required to provide relevant real-life examples to support your line of reasoning.

Task 2 (40 marks)
Use an example of your own to illustrate how the technique of Decision Tree can be employed to support corporate decision on launching a new equipment product in a new market. You are required to construct a decision tree and explicitly explain how your decision tree can support such a business decision in this case.

Assessment criteria (100%)

1.    Clear line of reasoning (40%)
2.    Skillful application of theories with clear referencing (40%)
3.    Appropriate writing style and tidy presentation (20%)


  1. FB forum on Engineering Management:!/groups/108145759233377/
  2. FB forum on Operations Management:!/groups/279091113702/

Key words: contribution analysis with limiting factor; Just in time vs Just in case; exponential smoothing in forecasting; contribution analysis; expected monetary value; takt time; kanban calculation; product life cycle; organization structure; Engineering Management as s discipline; breakeven analysis; motivation theories; basic ideas of queueing theory
Exam format: answer 4 questions out of 5; each question is 25 marks. There is no compulsory question.


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