Research in IT - lecture 2 topics

For the coming lecture (lecture 2) of Research in IT, I will cover the following readings:

  1. Methods of social research (Bailey): Chapter 3: Constructing social explanations
  2. Research Concepts for Management Studies (Thomas): Chapter 3: Theory and Management Studies
  3. Research Methods for Business Students (Saunders et al):  Chapter 3: Critically reviewing the literature
  4. Information Systems Action Research (Kock[editor]): Chapter 1: Action Research by Checkland and Holwell.
    • The hypothesis-testing research process of natural science
    • The cycle of action research in human situations
      • The process of action research: a. enter the problem situation; b. establish roles; c. declare Methodology and Framework; d. take part in change prcess; e. exit; f. reflect on experience and record learning
  5. Case study Research Method (Yin, 1989: chapter 1)
    • "A case study is an empirical inquiry that investigate a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context; when the boundaries between phenomonen and context are not clearly evident; and in which multiple sources of evidence are used"

I will review the Research Onion model of Suanders et al. (Chapter 4: Understanding research philosophies and approaches) in the workshop; the onion model covers the following layers:

  1. Philosophies
  2. Approaches
  3. Strategies
  4. Choices
  5. Time horizons
  6. Techniques and procedure
Also refer to Oates (2008; Chapter 19: Philosophical Paradigms - Positivism); the topic of Induction and Deduction is covered in Chalmers (1992; Chapter 1).

Lecture note (1 page)

Try to go through the readings before attending the workshop on coming Saturday.

  1. Chalmers, A.F. (1992) What is this thing called Science? Open University Press
  2. Oates, B.J. (2008) Researching Information Systems and Computing, SAGE publications


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