NCC Research in IT tutorials 1 & 2 tasks

Students of Research in IT (NCC), pls be reminded that your tutorials 1 and 2 tasks are as follows:

Tutorial 1:

Related note for tutorial 1:

Tutorial 2 tasks:

Related notes for tutorial 2 tasks

Groups 2 and 3 reports need to follow the structure below:

When doing your tutorial tasks, it is useful to refer to the facebook forum on IT management to get some ideas on ICT issues, topics and concerns (re:!/groups/316183782575/). It is also useful to do some google and elibrary search so as to be informed on some ICT theories to use. In my diagrams above, I have made use of Soft Systems Methodology notions to elaborate on the tutorial tasks.

In the tutorial class (#2), I will make use of the following article for the class discussion of tutorial tasks:

  • Balocco, R. and Miragliotta, G. (2011) "Research Paper: RFId adoption in the FMCG supply chain: an interpretative framework" Supply Chain Management 16/5, pp. 299-315.
The brief ideas in the article are captured in the following note:


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