MBA Research Project [MGTM05] class [topup59/60/Full PF13], April-Sept 2024

MBA Research Project [MGTM05] class [topup59/60/Full PF13], April-Sept 2024

Synopsis - 18th Jul 2024 by 23:59

Proposal -  5th Sep 2024 by 23:59

Final project - 3 January 2025

HK Teaching Plan: mainly hybrid class

Stream 1


Lecture Date

(All online sessions)



April 29-2024 (Mon): 19:00-22:00


1) A briefing on the module guide I

2) review proposal and report samples

(online + on-campus) session 1

HK U thesis portal

* the characteristics of dissertation reports: a note.

Additional advice on dissertation projects.

Dissertation table of contents template [consulting-oriented project type) [compared that with the academic-oriented project type]. Dissertation table of contents template (academic-oriented project type).

Module guide info on dissertation report content.

a sample on synopsis document.

a sample of project proposal.

the updated proposal template.

* on research conceptualization (video resources)

 (contact:  (


May 8, 2024 (Wed): 19:00-22:00


1) A briefing on the module guide

2) review proposal and report samples

(online + on-campus) session 2

* on the focused way on research conceptualization.

formulation of research objectives by dissertation types.

* on the orientation phase of dissertation projects.

 * on management-concerns diagram: an article [now in google drive]

* on theoretical frameworks: an article [now in google drive]

* on how to formulate a proper dissertation project title.

* on research conceptualization (video resources)

research methods to use for socially isolated students.

*  a basic summary of research methods ideas (a note).

*Collections of blog notes on ALRA 2019,  2018, 2022, 2023 and 2024 [total 5 volumes].

a collection of video learning materials on research methods/ dissertation topics


May 22, 2024 (Wed): 19:00-22:00


1) To learn how to prepare for the dissertation projects

2) To learn the basic ideas of dissertation report writing and the underlying research skills

(online + on-campus) session 3

Lecturing on the academic-oriented project type. (The study materials link)

a collection of video learning materials on research methods/ dissertation topics

* a summary of basic ideas on research methods.

* introducing the new synopsis form and proposal form (located in Google drive). 

* study materials on the agile literature review approach (academic-oriented project type).


May 27, 2024 (Monday): 19:00-21:30


1) formulating project background and project theme with diagramming techniques I

* the articles on management concerns diagram and theoretical framework are now on google drive.

* on core-focus-domain.

On the management-concerns diagram.

On theoretical framework level-0. [note that zone 2 is grounded on the core competence perspective (a video)]

On theoretical framework level-1a

On theoretical framework level-1c. (Also study 1c framework that avoids the requirement to submit gatekeeper consent form).

On make your own zone 2 item study.

* How does the synopsis form content draw on the ALRA diagrams?

Lecture topic on research ethics: 

Note the updated ethical form link.

A revision of an ethics form lecture note. Also note the following info:

[submission date: probably from 

3 weeks after proposal submission to the date of 

sending the first dissertation draft to supervisor for review].

Online session 4


May 29, 2024 (Wed): 19:00-22:00


1) formulating project background and project theme with diagramming techniques 2

*Collections of blog notes on ALRA 2019,  2018, 2022, 2023 and 2024 [total 5 volumes].

Dissertation project orientation phase and ALRA.

Exploratory interview in the project orientation phase.

On individual research methods, mainly case study research and grounded theory.

On literature review

On the study materials related to the theoretical framework level-1a.

On role play to produce a management-concerns diagram (draft).


Please note there are 2 out 15 students (13%) filled the mid-point survey as of today. Please see the attached report.

Please remind your students to spend few minutes in your sessions to fill in the evaluation in order to meet the minimum expected response rate of 60%.

Thanks for your help in advance.


About student survey:

"Dear colleagues,


You should now have your mid-point evaluation survey conducted by students of your teaching module(s). As mentioned in the email earlier, you can check the mid-point evaluation from Qualtrics.  For accessing to Qualtrics – please click here.

You will be able to view the below screen after you login to Qualtrics.


Please remind your students to spend few minutes in your sessions to fill in the evaluation if you find the number of responses is still not up to the minimum expected response rate of 60%. Our team will keep monitoring the response rate and send e-mail to individual module lecturers about their modules’ response rate."

(online + on-campus) session 5


June 5, 2024 (Wed): 19:00-22:00


Teaching plan for June 5: 3 hours:

Learning objectives (LOs)

LO1: To examine two research methods topics: research philosophies, inductive and deductive reasoning, and the research method of focus group

LO2: To explain the dissertation report structure for the consulting-oriented dissertation project type

Lecture activities

1.      Mainly lecturing on the topics, i.e. LOs 1-2, as identified in the learning objective list above

2.      Class discussion on the lecture topics of LOs 1-2

3.      Questions and answers on students’ concerns on research methods topics and dissertation proposal formulation

** introduce the onion model of research methods (video resources). [a related video on the onion model]

** Will introduce the outermost layer of the onion model: on research philosophies and the next level on the inductive and the deductive approaches.

** on the first layer of the onion model and its relatedness to the ALRA practice.

** also study the blog note on scientific progress, knowledge accumulation and research gap analysis.

Skills to do literature review - continued.

Exploratory interview in the project orientation phase.

Converting factual statements into management concerns items (zone 1).

* reviewing dissertation samples

* a note about case study research and autobiography research.

* dissertation sample in Google Drive.


(online + on-campus) session 6


June 12, 2024 (Wed): 19:00-22:00


On research approaches: inductive and deductive approaches. [Layer 2 of the onion model]. 

*** the teaching plan on research approaches.

On quantitative and qualitative research

Topic 1: Quantitative research

1.1. Characteristics of quantitative research

1.2. Quantitative data collection

1.3 Quantitative data analysis

Topic 2: Qualitative research

2.1 Characteristics of qualitative research

2.2 Qualitative data collection

2.3. Qualitative data analysis

Topic 3: Quantitative vs qualitative research (and data)

3.1. Quantitative vs qualitative data (video)

3.2 Quantitative Research vs Qualitative Research (video 1)

3.3 Quantitative vs qualitative research (video 2)

3.4 Quantitative vs qualitative research (video 3)

3.5 Empirical studies: qualitative vs quantitative (video 4)

3.6 How to measure the quality of quantitative and qualitative research? 

Further e-resource on qualitative and quantitative research.

On qualitative research and quantitative research

In case there is still time available for teaching, I will show the following two videos on the following two topics:

1. On primary research (e-resources)

2. On secondary research (e-resources).

Mainly review this one in class: the video.

** Time to do a revision on mono, multi and mixed method research design (video).

(online + on-campus) session 7


June 24, 2024 (Monday): 19:00-22:00


On the onion model of research:  layer 3 (research strategies): part 1

Topic 1: case study

1.1. case study: definition.

1.2 case study: illustration of the steps involved.

1.3. design a case study protocol.

Topic 2: grounded theory

2.1 introduction.

2.2 versions of grounded theory.

2.3. coding in grounded theory.

Topic 3: action research

3.1 history of action research.

3.2 research design: action research.

3.3. an example of an action research.

Topic 4: ethnography

4.1.: what is ethnography?

4.2.: understanding ethnography.

4.3.: ethnography and participant observation.

4.4.: participant observation.

Revision materials on research ethics:

Note the updated ethical form link.

A revision of an ethics form lecture note. Also note the following info:

[submission date: probably from 

3 weeks after proposal submission to the date of 

sending the first dissertation draft to supervisor for review].

(online + on-campus) session 8


July 8, 2024 (Monday): 19:00-21:30


On the onion model of research:  layer 3 (research strategies): part 2

Topic 5: survey research

5.1.: survey research.

5.2.: survey, questionnaire and test.

5.3.: analysing questionnaires.

5.4. on non-probability sampling.

Topic 6: experiment/ quasi-experiment

6.1. true experiments.

6.2a. types of experiments

6.2b.: experimental studies and other related ones.

On the onion model of research (layer 4 : time horizons):

Topic 1: longitudinal

Topic 1.1: what are longitudinal studies.

Topic 2: cross-sectional

Topic 2.1.: what is cross-sectional data?

Topic 2.2.: analytic cross-sectional study design (an illustration).

Topic 2.3a.: stratified vs cluster sampling.

Topic 2.3b.: types of sampling techniques. (more detailed)

Topic 3: cross-sectional study vs longitudinal studies.

Topic 3.1.: cross-sectional study vs longitudinal studies.

Topic 3.2.: time series vs cross-sectional data.

** also to mention the blog notes on using ChatGPT for research purpose.

Online session 9


July 15, 2024 (Monday): 19:00-22:00


For reference, the two synopsis samples are as follows:

1. For academic-oriented project type.

2. For consulting-oriented project type.

Specific research methods to introduce:

Topic 1. Focus group
Topic 1.1.: Focus group (already presented).
Topic: 1.2.: Interview and focus group

Topic 2. Interview research

Topic 2.1.: Interview research.

Topic 2.2.: What is an interview.

Topic 2.3.: Types of interviews.

Topic 2.4.: Visions on interviewing.

Topic 2.5. a blog note on using ChatGPT to offer a detailed research interview plan.

Topic 3: observational research.

Topic 3.1a.: observations.

Topic 3.1b.: observational research.

Topic 3.2.: observational focus.

Topic 3.3.: observational checklists. [only the first half of the video].

Topic 3.4.: asking ChatGPT to produce a research plan for observation research. [a blog note].

Topic 4: document analysis

Topic 4.1.: how to do document analysis (video).

Topic 4.2.: a blog note of asking ChatGPT for information on document analysis.

Topic 4.3.: an article (pdf) on document analysis.

If time allows, I will finish the lecture topic of quantitative and qualitative research, with the following subtopics:

1.3 Quantitative data analysis (mainly to study this one in the lecture)

2.3. Qualitative data analysis

Basic topics on quantitative research

I. Basic descriptive statistics

Topic 1.1.: how to calculate standard deviation and variance. (recommendation: do the revision yourself)

Topic 1.2.: measures of variability.

II. On the normal distribution curve and the central limit theorem

Topic 2,1.: the normal distribution.

Topic 2.2.: on density curves.

Topic 2.3.: the central limit theorem.

(online + on-campus) session 10


Aug. 5, 2024 (Monday): 19:00-22:00


III. On hypothesis testing

Topic 3.1.: what is a hypothesis test.

Topic 3.2.: what is a p-value.

Topic 3.3. confidence level and significance level

** The confidence level is the probability of the test being right.

The significance level is the probability of there being a mistake in the test, or the test being wrong.

Topic 3.4.: null & alternative hypotheses.

Topic 3.5.: one-tailed vs two-tailed tests (video); (brief note).

On Excel functions for quantitative research: demo. and explanation of the underlying concepts

On specific quantitative research skills with MS Excel - Part 1:

Topic 1.1: Pivot table analysis (a video for revision purpose).

Topic 1.2.: an article about using the Excel pivot table for research purpose (pdf).

(online + on-campus) session 11


Aug. 19, 2024 (Monday): 19:00-22:00


* e-resources on research gap (videos) 

Present a demo on the Excel pivot table function with test data.

2. Multiple regression analysis

Topic 2.1.: operationalization and measurement.

Topic 2.2.: independent and dependent variables.

Topic 2.3a.: mediation vs moderation.

Topic 2.3b.: types of variables.

Topic 2.4.: the basic idea of correlation.

Topic 2.5.: understanding correlation.

Topic 2.6.: on linear regression analysis.

Topic 2.7.: calculating r and r2.

*** to be continued in the next lecture.

** * study materials on the agile literature review approach (academic-oriented project type).


"Dear Colleagues,

Please be informed the Mid-Point Survey is now published for those in October 2024 submission. Please kindly encourage students to fill in the Survey during your session(s).

Online session 12


Sept 2, 2024 (Monday): 19:00-21:30


1) Research methods skills

Refining proposal ideas with the agile literature review approach: class discussion

Topic 2.8.: on multiple linear regression - part 1.

Topic 2.9.: on multiple linear regression - part 2.

Present a demo on the Excel regression function with test data.

Topic 2.10.: Excel regression analysis (video).

Topic 2.11.: on interpreting the Excel regression report (online info).

On specific quantitative research skills with MS Excel - Part 2:


Topic 3.1.: Excel one-way ANOVA analysis (video).

Topic 3.2.: One-way ANOVA: a tutorial part 1 (video).

Topic 3.3.: One-way ANOVA: conducted by hand (video).

Topic 3.4.: On the F statistic (video). [an online note on the F statistic]

Topic 3.5.: A demo of the ANOVA test with Excel and a test file.

4. Chi-square test

Topic 4.1.: Chi-square test: a brief explanation (video). (and an example with manual calculation of figures).

Topic 4.2.: On the Chi-Square Distribution (video).

Topic 4.3.: A more detailed explanation of the Chi-Square test (video).

Topic 4.4.: A demo of the Chi-Square test with Excel and a test file.

(online + on-campus) session 13


Sept. 16, 2024 (Monday): 19:00-21:30


Dissertation table of contents template [consulting-oriented project type) [compared that with the academic-oriented project type]. Dissertation table of contents template (academic-oriented project type).

A blog note on clarification of interpretivism with regard to dissertation dissertation proposal formulation.

An example of a blog note with examples on research objectives, research questions and research gaps.

On research methods quality (especially study "criteria for qualitative research quality" [video]' another one on quantitative research quality [video]. Also study a blog note about research methods quality criteria.

Revision materials on research ethics:

Note the updated ethical form link.

A revision of an ethics form lecture note. Also note the following info:

[submission date: probably from 

3 weeks after proposal submission to the date of 

sending the first dissertation draft to supervisor for review].

** a blog note on asking chatgpt to construct an informed consent form.

** a blog note on asking chatgpt to provide a preliminary research ethics assessment of a dissertation proposal.

On literature review [revision] and literature synthesis. [a video to review in lecture: related to literature synthesis].

Research methods skills: topics

1. academic writing [e-resources(videos)] [the video to review: what is academic writing style?]

2. harvard referencing

3. plagiarism (also study the notes on chatgpt and the plagiarism risk and paraphrasing (a video).); an example of an AI detector (try also: and an AI detection bypass tool (video). 

Also study my blog note on asking Chatgpt to explain the AI detectors and AI bypassers.

If time allows, study triangulation (video) and the Toulmin Model of Argumentation (a video).

(online + on-campus)  session 14

 -resources on: Google Drive.

MBA course structure

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