Managing Projects, Oct-Dec, 2020: Teaching plan


Managing Projects, Oct-Dec, 2020: Teaching plan

Total: 36 hours

BAAFM 49-51/BABMKTG 12-14;  assignment due: January-21



Deadlines/ readings

#1: Oct 28 (wed): 19:00-22:00

·       Briefing on the subject and assignment requirements

·       Unit 1: Project concepts

University slides “Unit 1: Project concepts”


Pinto (2016): chapter 1

Pinto (2016): chapter 2


* introduction to project management.

* what is project manager?

* the role of a project manager.

* what do portfolio managers do?

* 5 skills a project manager needs.

* critical soft skills for project managers.

* typical project phases.

* the project management life cycle. $$$

* top 10 terms project managers use.

* project definition.

* on project management.


* project management principles. $$$

* project characteristics. $$$

* project complexity.

* project sponsorship.

* project portfolio management.

#2: Nov 4 (wed): 19:00-22:00

·       Unit 1: Project concepts

University slides “Unit 1: Project concepts”


Pinto (2016): chapter 3


Pinto (2016): chapter 4


* what is project scope? $$$

* how to baseline a project scope.

* what is project scope management?

* what are project objectives. $$$

* what is the iron triangle.

* how to create a project charter.

* project initiation.

* project proposal writing.

* project portfolio management defined.

* the differences between portfolio, programme, and project management.

* what is agile project management.

* agile project management vs traditional project management. $$$

* agile vs waterfall (project methodology).

* what is project management office?

* what is a work breakdown structure.

* creating work breakdown structure in MS project.


* on project scope.

* on project objectives.

* on work breakdown structure.

on project work packages.

* on project life cycle.

* project organization structure types.

* project management office.

#3: Nov 7 (Sat): 14:00-20:00

·       Unit 2: Planning and monitoring tools and techniques

University slides: “Unit 2: Planning and Monitoring Tools and Techniques”


Pinto (2016): chapter 5

Pinto (2016): chapter 9


* your first step as a project manager.

* your project kickoff meeting checklist.

* how to create a project charter.

* project planning for beginners.

* project planning - fundamentals.

* the key deliverable of your project plan. $$$

* how to build an effective project plan.

* what is a work breakdown structure?

*what is a work package?

* MS Project - Gantt chart. $$$

* MS Project - task dependencies

* MS Project - milestones.

* MS Project - resource planning.

* MS Project - identify overallocated resources.

* MS Project baselines (actual vs plan).

* key project management deliverables (documentation).

* what are task dependencies? [internal ones] $$$

* on external dependencies.

* project scheduling - PERT/CPA.

* how to draw a CPM network diagram.

* how to calculate network diagram using AoN notation.

* use forward and backward pass to determine project duration. $$$

* determine the early start (ES) and early finish (EF) in a network diagram. $$$

* determine late start (LS) and late finish (LF) in a network diagram. $$$

* what is total float (total slack) in a network diagram.

* what are project constraints?

* what is resource levelling?


* on project planning.

* on project critical path method.


* on project planning.

* on the project business case.

* on project baseline.

* on project success.

* applying work breakdown structure to project management lifecycle.

* on project task dependencies.

* critical path analysis and PERT charts.

* on project network diagrams.

* use of forward and backward pass to determine critical path. $$$

* determine total and free float of activities in a network diagram. $$$

* effective milestone planning.

* project schedule compression.

#4: Nov 11 (wed):


·       Unit 2: Planning and monitoring tools and techniques

University slides: “Unit 2: Planning and Monitoring Tools and Techniques”

Pinto (2016): chapter 10


* top 3 project tracking tools.

* project tracking: how.

* project business case: writing an effective project proposal.

* what is gantt chart?

* milestone vs deadline.

* what is milestone planning? $$$

* scheduling with milestones in project management.

* project monitoring, evaluation and control.

* project communication plan.

* build a great project communication plan.

* project management time wasters.

* how to prevent scope creep?

* why projects fail.

* project quality management.

* Juran's triology (Quality Management).

* how to meet your quality targets?

* project quality planning, assurance and control.

* the challenges of implementing an innovation project.

* what is project governance?

* what are stage gates?

* the project s-curve (the philosophy).

* the common use of the project s-curve.

* what is the difference between project control and project management?


* project communication management.

* project s-curve.


* project communication plan - examples.

* on Gantt chart.

* quality in project management (PMI).

* quality tools in project management (pdf).

* project quality management - the process.

* 10 ways to maintain consistent project quality.

* assuring quality in product development process.

* on project milestone.

* milestone planning (PMI).

* 5 tips on project tracking.

* communications management (PMI).

* breakdown structure templates.

* what is the s-curve in project management?

* on planned value, earned value and actual cost (related to the s-curve topic).

* on schedule and cost variances in project management.

* on schedule performance index and cost performance index.

#5: Nov 18: 19:00-22:00

·       Unit 3: The management of project cost and risk

University slides: “Unit 3: The management of project cost and risk”


Pinto (2016): chapter 7


what is project risk management. $$$

* 4 types of project risk.

* what is risk tolerance?

how to manage project risk. $$$

what to put in your risk register (risk log).

* what is the cone of uncertainty in project management.

the basics of project cost management.

* project cost management part 1.

* project cost management part 2.

how to deliver effective project cost management. $$$

how to estimate project costs.

* cost planning in project management.

* earned value management - a briefing.


* on project risk management.


* on project cost management.

* essential things to know on project cost management.

* how to conduct a project cost estimation.

* earned value management system (EVMS) [PMI].

* on project risk management.

* eight common project risks.

* project risk register - an example.

#6: Nov 25 (wed):


·       Unit 3: The management of project cost and risk

University slides: “Unit 3: The management of project cost and risk”


Pinto (2016): chapter 8


* project financial management.

* how to create a project budget?

* project cost management tips.

* estimate costs and determine budgets.

* how to estimate project costs.

* on Net Present Value. $$$

* on Internal Rate of Return (IRR). $$$

* on Payback Period method. $$$

* on investment appraisal (ARR).

* what is a PERT chart?


* on project cost management.


* on project financial appraisal.

* financial appraisal of projects.

* PERT estimate technique.

* project budget (an example)(pdf).

#7: Dec 2 (wed): 19:00-22:00

·       Assignment progress review

Miscellaneous videos: 

on investment appraisal (ARR).

4 types of project risk.

what to put in your risk register (risk log).

what is the cone of uncertainty in project management.

project quality management.

* what is project quality management? $$$

* 7 basic quality control tools for project management. $$$

#8: Dec 9 (wed): 19:00-22:00

·       Unit 4: Project team structuring

·       [drop in by module lecturer]

University slides: “Unit 4: Project Team Structuring”


Pinto (2016): chapter 6


* what is project governance.

* project organization.

* project management organization structure.

* project team - roles and responsibilities.

* how to structure a project team. $$

* five project leadership tips.

* how to build a project team.

* what are T shaped people?

* how to manage a project team.

* how to delegate tasks in project teams.

* the development team - Scrum guide. (see also what is Scrum?); also the role of the Scrum Master.

* team roles and responsibilities.

* how to manage project team conflict.

* the Tuckman Model of group development for project management. $$$

* Belbin team profiles. $$$

* what is servant leadership?

* creating a high-performance project team.

* what is group think?

* how to run project team meetings.

Best Practices for Managing the Virtual Project Team.


* on project organization.

* on project team management.


* project sponsor roles.

* on project team building.

* reasons project team building is important.

* the role of leadership and team-building in project management.

* the work of a project team (PMI).

* what is a Scrum Development Team?

* on project leadership skills.

* the Tuckman model on team development.

* how to avoid teamwork disasters?

* the 5 roles of product development.

* how to set up a good project governance structure (pdf).

#9: Dec 16 (wed):


·       Unit 5: project control

·       [drop in by module lecturer]


* A reading about milestone planning.

* what is a project plan?

E,g, of a project objective: to produce a business plan for launching a new product line of fashion face masks in order to help the company to sustain its profit performance.

Unit 5: “Project Control”


Pinto (2016): chapter 10

Pinto (2016): chapter 12


* PMP project change management process.

* the difference between project controls and project management.

* what is change control?

* the project control paradox.

* essential project control tools to master.

* what kind of a plan is a project controls plan.

* the components of a project controls plan.

* the common use of the S-curves in projects

* the philosophy behind the S-curve.

* how a project controller control a project.

* how to forecast the cost at completion of a project.

* what is an issue?

* what is issue management?

* how to manage issues on a project.

* what is an issue log?

* what is escalation in project management?

* what are lessons learned?

* Lessons learned meeting.

Dependencies in project management. $$$

what is a PERT chart?


* on project control & monitoring.


* what is change control?

* project management change request template.

* managing change through project management.

* scope change control.

* project issue management.

* how to escalate project issues.

* learning by experience in project-based organizations.

#10: Dec 19 (Sat):


·       Unit 5: project control

·       [drop in by module lecturer]

Additional videos to review:

what is an issue?

what is issue management?

how to manage issues on a project.

what is an issue log?

* on project evaluation.

* on post project review.

* project lessons learned briefing (clear).

what are lessons learned?

Lessons learned meeting.

Subject revision


Also check this article on critical path calculation.

Forward Pass

·        Early Start = Maximum (or Highest) EF value from immediate Predecessor(s)

·        Early Finish = ES + Duration

Backward Pass

·        Late Start = LF – Duration

·        Late Finish = Minimum (or Lowest) LS value from immediate Successor(s)

* the Juran Triology.

* Steve Jobs on Joseph Juran

* discounted payback period.

* new product development process.


* on harvard referencing.

* what is plagiarism.

* how to avoid plagiarism.

* how to quote.

* how to paraphrase.

* how to interpret turnitin report.

* about "how" of project cost management.

Unit 5: “Project Control”


Pinto (2016): chapter 13

Pinto (2016): chapter 14


* how and why to close a project.

* how to capture lessons learned at the end of a project.

* project reviews and project audits.

* how to save your project from analysis paralysis.


* 5 steps to project closure.

* what can we learn from project failure?

* the art and science of post project reviews (PMI).



The core text is Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage (4rd edition) by Jeffrey K. Pinto, published in 2016 by Pearson.


1. Facebook page “Literature on project management” (url address: 
2. e-learning resources on managing projects.
3. Videos on project management


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Work breakdown structures (WBS) are frequently used by project teams to break the project into smaller, easily identifiable components. The WBS structures used in projects follow strict rules like 100% rule and the mutually exclusive rule, but in general, they can be used to break down almost any complex task.


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