Exam revision slides - geographical imagination April 2020

Exam revision slides [april 23, 2020]

1.   Cosgrove writes, ‘mapping’s record is not restricted to the archival: it includes the remembered, the imagined, the contemplated’ (1999, p.2). What does he mean and how can it help us understand historic and / or contemporary maps? Answer with reference to specific examples.

Slides on cartography.
An introduction to cartography.

2. In what ways is detective fiction geographical? Answer with reference to specific examples.

3. Outline what you consider to be a ‘western’ imagination of ‘the East’. How does this imagination influence our understanding on non-western cultures?

Slides related to orientalism.
An introduction to orientalism.

4. Critically explore how some of the contemporary local films, novels and pop-songs have been used in constructing the city images of Hong Kong.

Slides related to liveable cities.
Slides related to global cities.

Pop songs examples about HK city image

獅子山下 - 羅文

5. Critically examine the ways in which future visions of urban space have been imagined. Use examples from film and TV to illustrate your answer.

* Definition of urban space.
* A video on lecture about urban space.
* The utopian vision (Thomas More)'s of urban space.
* Future vision of urban space about Hong Kong - an example:
Greater Bay Area.
* City vision of urban space based on neoliberalism: an example of Singapore.

An illustrative diagram I

An illustrative diagram II

* An official film about Greater Bay Area, with special reference to a future vision version for HK.

6. Critically discuss some of the ways in which heritage is used to create identities for places. Discuss with reference to specific sites/places and examples.

Slides related to place identity.
A case study on Skopje.
A reading on cultural heritage.
Information about heritage sites of Hong Kong.
A video on historic buildings in Hong Kong.
A video on an example of heritage: Roman theatre in Amman, Jordan.

One could find examples related to exam questions from my teaching plan and lecture video notes (pdf).


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