Teaching plan - Geographical Imagination 2020 Spring

Teaching plan - Geographical Imagination 2020 Spring

From: JKKH

Jan 30 (Thu)
·      What is geographical imagination, spatial imagination; briefing on course objectives and assessment methods
Feb 6 (Thu)
·      Geographical notions of space and place
Feb 13 (Thu)
·      City images and representations

Video: 那些漂在北京的香港人不想回家; on socialization (sociology); on socialization (a brief introduction); agents of socializationan introduction to discourse analysiswhy I love HK; a case study of city image (Wuhan)/ updated situation 1/ updated situation 2. Wuhan 2018. HK as a failed state (news)/ a related video./ Mainlandization - a case study of Sheung Shui; cultural landscape.; cultural region; HK graffiti walls; street artists in Shamshuipo.

Slides: definition of citydefinition 2 of city;  urban definitions; criteria of city definition: slide 1slide 2social characteristics of urban areathree models of urban structureurban problems - examples; a note on socialization and geographical imaginationagents of socializationsocialization definedWhat we do in discourse analysis

      Slideshare: on city image; on discourse analysis; natural and cultural landscape; cultural diffusion.

e-readings: Is HK a great cityCity image study - Gangnam district, South Koreacity image study - Hong Konggeopolitical imagination (introduction)the greater middle east as modern geopolitical imagination [pdf]; greater east asia geopolitics [pdf]; India - geopolitical imaginationa blog article on how discourse analysis is related to geographical imaginationa blog article on socialization for geographical imaginationHK - a city of resistance; about Wuhan. Distinctive landscape of HK; Cantonese culture Hong Kong culture. Cultural traits - about social norms of HK).

Feb 20 (Thu)
Feb 27 (Thu)
Mar 5 (Thu)
Mar 12 (Thu)
·      The notion of gender in geographical imagination

Slides: gender-related development indexgender issues in geographyhow cities are genderedgendered space.

       Slideshares: gender and geography; on the gender concept.

E-resources on utopia

Mar 19 (Thu)
Mar 26 (Thu)
·      The notions of modern, postmodern and crime cities in geographical imagination

Videos: our divided cityPostmodern CitiesChicago - most dangerous city in USAHK is dangerous.
Videos on movies: the outlaws (Korean)[about crime city]city of violence knife fight (korean).; the untouchable gunfight天水圍的日與夜Batman in HK旺角揸FIT人- 爆樽Tower of David (crime building theme)樹大招風 mv [crime city]/ and trailer; crime city movie trailer (掃毒2天地對決); 韓國電影 1987黑金 (Island Of Greed); on illustrious energy (racial discrimination; dangerous place).

Slides: consequences of urban crimeissues of urban crimestat on gender and crimeevolving models of citypostmodern cities

Slideshares: on modern & postmodern cities. on street crimes in urban areas; an introduction to postmodernism; on urban poverty and crime.

Readings: 11 most dangerous streets in the worldis Chicago's 'South Side' really unsafemost dangerous Mississippi citythe most dangerous city in MassachusettsPocatello (an article on dangerous city).; the coercive city: an examplenovel theme - murder on trinity place (city imagination).

Theme of modern and postmodern cities
Videos: Postmodern CitiesSoja: the postmodern citypostmodernism: history and artModernism: Design in a Nutshellpost-modern architecture.
Slide: modern and postmodern cities; postmodern urbanism.
Articles: urban design in the postmodern contextIs London postmodern?.; crime fiction and the city.
Apr 2 (Thur)
Apr 9 (Thu)
·      The notion of urban regeneration in geographical imagination

Slides: urban regeneration processa framework of urban regenerationurban regeneration as theory-in-practice;

Slideshare: on urban renewal.
Apr 16 (Thu)



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