Housing Imaginations – Teaching Plan feb-may 2018

Housing Imaginations – Teaching Plan Hong Kong version (Joseph, Kim-keung Ho) (2018 Feb - May)

Session #
Feb 1

·      Introduction to Housing Imaginations
·      Briefing on assignment 1

Readings: subject syllabus and assignments 1 and 2 docs; Gregory (1994)
Facebook page on housing imagination
Ho (2014a)

Slides on sociological imagination 1; slide 2; slide 3.
Slide: sociology and common sense.
Slide: Micro and Macro sociology.
Slides on geographical imagination: slide 1slide 2; slide 3.
Feb 8

·      The meanings of place I (General)
Reading: Cresswell (2009)
A basic description of place (a slide).

Videos: space and place; sense of place; a slide on sense of placeplacemaking. A case study of tin shui wai (on sense of place). Famous sign in place (HK): an example. A slide on humanism.

Will go through the article of : Ho, J.K.K. 2014a. “An Endeavor to Establish the subject of Housing Imagination based on Critical Systems Thinking” European Academic Research 2(2), May: 2048-2066.
Feb 22

·      The meanings of place II (Hong Kong context)
Reading: Ho (2014c; 2016)

Videos: case study: sham shui po; the case of place-making; the topic of "place and movement".

Placemaking (slides): placemaking and sense making; benefits of place ; reimagining urban space.
On healthy place: slide 1; slide 2.

HI artifact on sense of place and placemaking: the case of Tseung Kwan O.
Mar 1

·      The meanings of space (General + Hong Kong context)
Reading: Elden (2009) and Kitchin (2009)
Mar 8

·      The meanings of home (Hong Kong context)
Readings: Easthope (2004) and Ho (2014b; 2016; 2018)
·      The meaning of family and marriage (CrashCourse, 2017a)

A blog article on home; a video on family and marriage in sociology.; video resources on home study.
Mar 15

·      Briefing on assignment 2
·      Specific applications I: social housing (General + HK context)
·      Reading: Marsh and Mullins. (editors) (199; chapter 8: A prize of citizenship? Changing access to social housing)
Mar 22

·      Specific applications II: social exclusion (General)
Readings: Balchin and Rhoden (2002, chapter 14: social exclusion)
YouTube video on social exclusion (Khanacademymedicine, 2015).
Facebook album on social exclusion and inclusion

Two videos on social exclusion and social exclusion lecture; a video on social rejection.
Mar 29

·      Specific applications II: social exclusion (Hong Kong context)
A thesis on social exclusion: Chan Mei Ma, Gloria (2003)
Apr 12

·      Specific applications III: gender (General + HK context)
Readings: Balchin and Rhoden (2002, chapter 17: gender and housing);
Video to watch "Theories of gender" (CrashCourse, 2017b)
Facebook page on gender and feminism (with HK examples)
Apr 19

·  Specific applications IV: homelessness (General)
Readings: Balchin and Rhoden (2002; chapter 19: homelessness)
Facebook page on homelessness (with HK examples)
Specific applications IV: homelessness (Hong Kong context)
Readings: Balchin and Rhoden (2002; chapter 19: homelessness)
Facebook page on homelessness (with HK examples) Ho (2015) 
Apr 26

·      Presentation – assignment 1: group size is 4 (min. 3; max 5 members) [assignment 1 submission date for all]
May 3
·         Presentation – assignment 1

Core Readings:
1.      Balchin, P. and M. Rhoden. 2002. Housing Policy: An Introduction. Routledge, London.
2.      Chan, M.H.  2003. “A sociological Analysis of Social Exclusion: The Case of New Immigrations in Hong Kong” M. Phil. Thesis October, HK Polytechnic University (url address: http://ira.lib.polyu.edu.hk/bitstream/10397/3393/2/b21656617_ir.pdf).
3.      CrashCourse. 2017a. "Theories About Family & Marriage: Crash Course Sociology #37" Youtube.com December 11 (url address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaeiCEro0iU&t=46s).
4.      CrashCourse. 2017b. "Theories of Gender: Crash Course Sociology #33" Youtube.com November 13 (url address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CquRz_cceH8).
5.      Cresswell, T. 2009. “Place” Elsevier. (url address: http://booksite.elsevier.com/brochures/hugy/SampleContent/Place.pdf) [visited at April 17, 2014].
6.      Easthope, H. 2004. “A Place Called Home” Housing, Theory and Society 21(3). Taylor & Francis: 128-138.
7.      Elden, S. 2009. “Space I” International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Elsevier: 262-267.
10. Facebook page on Gender and Feminism: https://www.facebook.com/literature.gender.feminism/
12. Facebook page on housing imagination: https://www.facebook.com/housing.imagination/
13. Gregory, D. 1994. Geographical Imaginations. Blackwell.
14. Ho, J.K.K. 2014a. “An Endeavor to Establish the subject of Housing Imagination based on Critical Systems Thinking” European Academic Research 2(2), May: 2048-2066.
15. Ho, J.K.K. 2014b. “A Research Note on Home Study in Housing Imagination using Soft Systems Methodology” European Academic Research 2(3), June: 3659-3675.
16. Ho, J.K.K. 2014c. “An examination of the place notion for Housing Imagination study based on Systems Thinking” European Academic Research 2(6), September: 7537-7552.
17. Ho, J.K.K. 2015. “A statistical analysis on Facebook-based questionnaire survey data on homelessness perceptions in Hong Kong” European Academic Research 2(2) February: 14366-14381.
18. Ho, J.K.K. 2016. “An elaboration on the space-place-home (sph) matrix for exploring housing-related problem-situations” European Academic Research 3(12) March: 13166-13185.
19. Ho, J.K.K. 2016. Housing Imagination 2016 ebook (url address: http://josephkkho.blogspot.hk/2016/12/housing-imagination-2016-ebook.html).
20. Ho, J.K.K. 2016. Housing studies 2016 ebook (url address: http://josephkkho.blogspot.hk/2016/12/housing-studies-2016-ebook.html).
21. Ho, J.K.K. 2017. "An exploratory exercise to enrich the home notion with a cognitive mapping-based literature review - a study note" Joseph KK Ho e-resources December 22 (url address: http://josephho33.blogspot.hk/2017/12/an-exploratory-exercise-to-enrich-home.html).
22. Internet resource: Facebook group (closed group) on Housing Studies: https://www.facebook.com/groups/built.environment.jkkho/).
23. Khanacademymedicine. 2015. "Social exclusion" Youtube March 27 (url address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eejmYz0O3YE).
24. Kitchin, R. 2009. “Space II” International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Elsevier:  268-275.
25. Marsh, A. and D. Mullins. (editors). 1998. Housing and Public Policy. Open University Press. Buckingham.


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