Adv. D. Mgt Accounting tutorial 1 Jan 28 topic agenda

Adv. D. Mgt Accounting tutorial 1 Jan 28 topic agenda:

1. Process costing and Job costing concepts
File "Part 2 MA notes on process costing" (4 pages)
File "Part 2 MA notes Basic Job Costing" (4 pages)
File "Part 2 notes job costing double entries example" (2 pages)
File "Part 2 notes process costing double entries example" (2 pages)
* a slide on an example on job costing; an introductory video on job costing; an introductory video on process costing.

2. Basic Overhead accounting (on allocation)
File "Part 2: basic overhead allocation ideas" (6 pages). Also refer to an introductory video on overhead allocation; a slide for the basic idea.

3. Briefing on Assignment 1
- Need to also study degree of operating leverage
File "Part 2: On degree of operating leverage" (2 pages). Also refer to the video on degree of operating leverage.
- Need to have some understanding of the high low method (video); also study File "Part 2: basic concept of the high low method" (3 pages); a slide for illustration.


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