Independent study d/t lecture May 19 agenda

Independent study (IS) daytime lecture May 19, 2017 agenda

1. Financial figures from different financial portals are not the same: Verify and choose the one that is credible and whose figures are comprehensible.

2. Cannot find five years' of financial data: keep finding or revise research design

3. Not sure whether hypothesis statements are properly formulated: do google search to find examples for illustration

4. Do not know how to interpret correlation calculation results: try to do sensitivity analysis or reexamine/ revise quantitative research design.

5. Do not know how to conduct data analysis: go to youtube and watch videos on how to writer dissertation report chapter on data analysis, etc.

6. Any suggestions on how my dissertation report quality can be improved: keep studying and refine your ideas.

Finally, (a) try to review previous IS blog lecture articles to learn the IS skills. You could find them in this blog ( and (b) try to justify and discuss your ideas, as informed by relevant literature review (and do not solely rely on IS reports from  previous students, no matter how high the scores they might have.)


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