Independent study tutorial(full/time) Mar 27

Independent  study tutorial (full time) Mar 27

1. Score range: 30-83 marks

2. Some examples of comments

High score example

Strengths In general, good writing Weakness You need to explain why you decide to choose the retailer sector rather than other sectors. The formulation of hypotheses are inappropriate. You should say "there is a positive relationship between... and..." or "... and.... are positively related". Keep in your mind that correlation shows the association between two variables without indicating causality between these variables. Accordingly, hypothesis on in incorrect. In addition to the sample size, you need to show the time frame of this studies such as saying " this study collect data on... from.. over the period....." You need also to include some other control variables that my affect the dependent variable such as firm size..etc The theoretical foundation of this research is missing.

Low score example
Inappropriate title. It is not clear which relationship you are investigating. The relation between profitability and what? Your English here is weak or unclear. It could be improved in the future by more careful drafting and proof-reading. Research objectives are vaguely written. They are a succinct summary of what you hope to achieve in your study. They give a focus to the study and should emphasis what will be examined, which is not what you did. How come there is a research proposal without any academic reference? only one reference showed in the references section, but not cited in the main body of your research proposal. did you wrote all section from head? Your arguments need to be substantiated with reference to the literature rather than personal belief or opinion. There is no any discussion for the methodology section, which has a huge negative impact on your mark! you should show the regression model that you will use to test the relationship under investigation, discussing the measurement of all variables that will be used in this regression. Also, you must discuss the data and data sources. The presentation of the time frame is inappropriate

Average performance - example
is there any theory with the name of "correlation theory"? The research hypothesis section should be merged with that of literature review as you cannot have a hypothesis from a very small number of studies. All hypotheses can be merged in one hypothesis as they are only different in the measure used to measure leverage. You do no need more than one hypothesis which is investigating the relationship between leverage and firm performance. Studies should be discussed in a linked way rather than presenting them as separate from each other. You can not use only y=two firms to conduct the analysis. At least 30 firm. You should explain the meaning of each variable included in the analysis and why.

3. Additional information for upcoming IS works: link.


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