
Showing posts from March, 2017

Applied Business Research Lecture 7

Applied Business Research Lecture 7                                                                                             [ back to teaching plan ] Topics: action research; observational research and interview Reading: action research Videos: observation and interview ; interview and survey ; action research . Lecture notes Note 1 Note 2 Note 3 e-resources FB page on action research FB page on observational research FP page on interview research

Housing imaginations lecture 10

Housing imaginations lecture 10                                           [ back to teaching plan ] Lecture theme : gender and feminism Readings: An article on gender (mind mapping) ; Videos: on gender (introduction) ; gender (dressing style) (HK) ; women working - HK ; girls from different countries ; gender roles in society ; gendered marketing ; gender factor on workplace ; gender equality - scenario . Slides: gender roles: a comparison ; what is gender ; Comments on lecture 9 exercise on video review Reasonable review of the video using  the social class notion, with special reference on social mobility. Some relationship to housing and HI assignment 2 is indicated. Lecture notes Note 1 Note 2 Note 3 Note 4 e-resource FB page on gender and feminism

Independent study tutorial(full/time) Mar 27

Independent  study tutorial ( full time ) Mar 27 1. Score range: 30-83 marks 2. Some examples of comments High score example Strengths In general, good writing Weakness You need to explain why you decide to choose the retailer sector rather than other sectors. The formulation of hypotheses are inappropriate. You should say "there is a positive relationship between... and..." or "... and.... are positively related". Keep in your mind that correlation shows the association between two variables without indicating causality between these variables. Accordingly, hypothesis on in incorrect. In addition to the sample size, you need to show the time frame of this studies such as saying " this study collect data on... from.. over the period....." You need also to include some other control variables that my affect the dependent variable such as firm size..etc The theoretical foundation of this research is missing. Low score example Inappropriate title. I...

Housing imaginations lecture 9

Housing imaginations lecture 9 details                                                 [ back to teaching plan ] Review lecture 8 remaining topics Lecture 9 theme is on social exclusion Reading: on social exclusion ; social exclusion and housing (pdf) Video on social exclusion FB photo album on social exclusion Also note the article on social class for assignment 2. Lecture notes Note 1 Note 2 Note 3 e-resource FB page on social inclusion & exclusion

Independent study tutorial wk 19-25

Independent study tutorial wk 19-25 for p/t classes A, B and C. 1. Feedback review on IS proposals;  Scores from 30 - 82. Examples of comments for illustration and discussion in class: Case 1:  Weaknesses:  The research objectives are not clearly stated.  The structure of the proposal is poor. It's inappropriate to use Finding as a subheading and include reference source in the main body.  The methodology and datasets are not clearly stated. Strengths:  The topic is interesting.  Some literature is provided. Case 2:  Weakness:  The methodology used needs to be justified. Strengths:  The aim of the report is appropriate and well stated.  The objectives are appropriate and well stated.  The organization of the report is good.  The topic is interesting.  The literature used is appropriated and well described.  The methodology is stated and appropriate Case 3:  Weaknesses:  The descriptions of the datasets could be more detailed...

Applied Research Methods lecture 6 details

Applied Research Methods   lecture 6 details                                                                         [ back to teaching plan ] Topic themes: case study research method; survey research; focus group. Plus, brainstorm research topic - an illustration with cognitive mapping technique . Videos; on focus group . using ; survey design - 1 ; Slides: survey data analysis ; focus group data analysis . Readings: Facebook-based survey questionnaire ; Focus group article . e-resources FB page on focus group FB page on survey research FB page on case study research FB page on grounded theory .

Housing imagination lecture 8 details

Housing imagination lecture 8 details                                                                                      [ back to teaching plan ] A. Assignment 1 presentations (group 2). B. Some study materials for assignment 2 preparation FB page on gender FB page on social class Also find time to study some of the videos from Doreen Masey . The video on social stratification is useful. One in the context of HK (social ladder) (video) . Class exercise: review HK social ladder video and evaluate how it can be employed for illustration in assignment 2 report. Related lecture notes For assignment 2 "statement review", consider the following report structure : 1. Examine the origin of the statement [check the articles provided by the univers...

Mind mapping the topic of gender

Mind mapping the topic of gender Joseph Kim-keung Ho Independent Trainer Hong Kong, China Abstract: The topic of gender is a main one in Social Sciences. This article makes use of the mind mapping-based literature review (MMBLR) approach to render an image on the knowledge structure of gender. The finding of the review exercise is that its knowledge structure comprises four main themes, i.e., (a) Descriptions of basic concepts and information (b) Major underlying theories and thinking, (c) Main research topics and issues, and (d) Major trends and issues related to practices . There is also a set of key concepts identified from the gender literature review. The article offers some academic and pedagogical values on the topics of gender, literature review and the mind mapping-based literature review (MMBLR) approach. Key words: Gender , literature review, mind map, the mind mapping-based literature review (MMBLR) approach Introduction Gender is a main topic ...

International business strategy lecture 8 details

International business strategy lecture 8 details                                                       [ back to teaching plan ] Lecture themes are: subsidiary management and revision 1. subsidiary management: mind mapping article  (article); parenting advantages (video) Lecture note 2. Examination revision e-resources FB page on multinational corporations