Independent study tutorial two topics 2016

Topics for tutorial 2 of Independent Study, 2016:

1. Demonstration on multiple regression analysis and chi-squared test. [also see: article 1; article 2.]
2. Literature search with e-library (Hull).
3. Writing proposals: further advice.

Articles to review:

  1. On sharing economy
  2. Statistical analysis on homelessness
Lecture agenda

IS lecture notes:---
Research objectives
Research questions
• On variables
• Hypothesis testing
On practical and academic value
Literature review: literature search and literature review; using e-library; newspapers
Research methods: data gathering strategy and data analysis
Preliminary references

Notes will be distributed in the class.

Internet resources:

  1. Literature review
  2. Research methods
  3. Writing dissertation reports

A reference on statistics:

Lind, D.A., W.G. Marchal and R.D. Mason. 2001. Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics. McGraw-Hill. Boston.

IS proposal structure (1000 words)

1)    Title: This should reflect the nature of the study you intend to conduct. 

2)    Study rationale: This should explain why you are conducting the study.

3)    Objectives:  You should try and provide three objectives.  The first should focus on the main area of academic theory that your study will explore.  The second should indicate where the primary research effort will take place e.g. to identify how the pharmaceutical industry uses relationship market to hold market share.  The third objective should indicate what you want to get out of the study, this maybe to create new theory, improve overall understanding, develop a model or suggest improvements in current practice.

4)    Contribution of existing literature (mini literature review): This section should provide a discussion of the key theoretical arguments that you feel are most relevant to understanding the issues your study seeks to address.

5)    Methodology: How do you intend to conduct the study, this should include a description with a rationale for use of each of the following:
                                               i.     Proposed data collection approach (interviews, questionnaires…..)
                                             ii.     Sample frame
                                           iii.     Potential limitations / contingencies

6)    Timeframe: Provide a plan of the time it will take you to complete each of the tasks involved in undertaking a dissertation.

Follow the referencing style used in the academic articles you use in your assignment.

*** References

Home exercise (also download worksheet from SOUL)


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