Independent study 2016 - local resources

Note the following basic information:

  1. Study module handbook
  2. Learn to use University e-library
  3. Do some reading on Research methods textbooks
  4. Research proposal: 1,000 words (10% of assessment mark)
  5. Interim review: 10 minutes oral review (10% of assessment mark)
  6. Final report: 5,000 words (80% of assessment mark)
  7. Topic scope

For the Independent study class of 2016, I offer the following additional resources:

  1. Using newspaper article study
  2. Using Facebook-based  survey; a sample survey form; survey platform - an example
  3. Academic articles for references (JKKHO)
  4. On literature review
  5. On plagiarism
  6. On regression analysis
  7. Miscellaneous topics on research methods (e.g., harvard referencing and plagiarism)
  8. On research objectives and questions
  9. Reliability and validity

Other academic resources

  1. Joseph HO (public)
  2. Research methods group
  3. Facebook group for doing online survey
  4. Open access journals
  5. Financial portal (HK) (e.g. financial ratios)
  6. On content analysis and document study (research methods)
  7. Joseph Ho blog (with articles on research methods)
  8. Some business studies-related groups: 


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