Advanced Management Accounting (HU) teaching plan - 2015

Introductory Session – Lecture 1:  Relevant costs and Decision making. Management and Cost accounting fundamentals


Before addressing the more advanced topics in advanced management accounting you need to revise the fundamentals covered on an earlier accounting module.
You should be familiar with the general content of these chapters from your earlier studies and just need to be reminded / updated. 


Chapters 1, 2 and 10 in the recommended text and articles.

Dekker, H  (2003) Value chain analysis in inter-firm relationships – a field
study”. Management Accounting Research, Vol.14, p.1-23)

Self assessment

Consider the end-of-chapter review questions for chapters 1, 2 and 10.




Attempt end-of-chapter exercises:

1.12   Purposes of accounting systems (Solution in Appendix A)

1.14   Value chain and classification of costs for Boots the Chemist
1.16   Scorekeeping, attention directing and problem solving.

2.16   Cost drivers and the value chain in Toyota

10.17 Relevant Costing

Session Lecture 2:  Management Accounting and its changing context - Strategic Management and Accounting


Identify key aspects of the environment affecting management accounting and introduce strategic management accounting.


You should read chapter 22 in the recommended text and assigned articles.

Guilding, C., Cravens, K. S. and Tayles, M., (2000), 'An international comparison of strategic management accounting practices', Management Accounting Research, 11, no.1: 113-135

Roslender, R. and Hart, S.J. (2003). In search of strategic management accounting: Theoretical and field study perspectives. Management Accounting Research. 14, 255-279.

Self assessment

Consider the end-of-chapter review questions for chapter 22.



Attempt end-of-chapter exercises:

22.17  Mayfair Ltd – subsidy for Cafeteria

From the Seminar Questions File

S 1. Management Accounting in a Bank

S 3.  Four years ago a computer system

Session Lecture 3:  SMA Techniques - ABC/M, Customer Profitability and Target Costing


1.    To consider how activity-based costing can help management understand the key cost drivers

2.    To consider pricing and cost-related prioritisation of organisational activities.


Chapters 11 and 12 in the recommended text and assigned articles.

Everaert, P. (2006). Characteristics of target costing: theoretical and field study perspectives. Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management. 3:3, 236-263.
Langfield-Smith, K., Strategic management accounting: how far have we come in 25 years?, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 21 (2): 204 – 228.

Self assessment

Consider the end-of-chapter review questions for chapters 11 and 12




Attempt end-of-chapter exercises:

11.11 and 11.12      ABC, activity area and cost driver rates (Solution in Appendix A)

11.13  ABC and product cross-subsidisation

12.21  Customer profitability, distribution

Session Lecture 4:  Accounting for Quality and JIT


1.    Explain the cost categories in a cost of quality programme

2.    Identify the costs and benefits of quality improvements and JIT


Chapter 20 and 21 in the recommended text and assigned articles.

Srdoc, A., Sluga, A. and Bratko, I., (2005), 'A quality management model based on the deep quality concept', The International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 22, no.2/3: 278-302

Self assessment

Consider the end-of-chapter review questions for chapters 20 and 21.




Attempt end-of-chapter exercises:

20.16 Cost of quality analysis

20.20 Lappalainen - Throughput, quality and relevant costs

21.16  Choosing supplier for JIT

21.21 Just in Time systems and Ethics

Session - Lecture 5:  Management Control Systems and Financial Performance Measurement.


To understand the purposes, roles and contents of budgeting and responsibility accounting. To compute and be familiar with financial performance measures at the divisional level, such as ROI, RI and EVA.


You should read chapters 14 (briefly), the first 4 pages of Chapter 18 and all of Chapter 19 in the recommended text and assigned articles.
Otley, D. (2001). "Extending the boundaries of management accounting research: developing systems for performance management." British Accounting Review 33 p243- 261

Self assessment

Consider the end-of-chapter review questions for chapters 14
and 19




Attempt end-of-chapter exercises:

14.19 Responsibility of purchasing agent

14.18 Budgeted profit and loss account

19.11 ROI and residual profit

19.13 Residual income and economic value added (Solution in Appendix A)


From the Seminar Questions File

F 1.  Financial Performance

Session Lecture 6:  Financial Control Systems - Transfer Pricing


To understand the important effects of transfer pricing within management control systems


You should read chapter 18 in the recommended text and assigned articles.

O’Hanlan, J and Peasnell, K., (1998) “Wall Street’s contribution to management accounting: the Stern Stewart EVA financial management system.  Management Accounting Research, Vol. 9 421-444.   
You need not deal in detail with the mathematical and quantitative aspects of this paper.

Self assessment

Consider the end-of-chapter review questions for chapter 18




Attempt end-of-chapter exercises:

18.17 Effect of alternative transfer pricing methods

18.21 Transfer Pricing Issues

Session Lecture 7:  Strategy Implementation – The Balanced Scorecard


Assess the relevance of scorecard approaches in strategic management and performance measurement.


You should read Chapter 22 in the recommended text and assigned articles.

Norreklit, H., (2000) “The balance on the balanced scorecard- a critical analysis of some of its assumptions”, Management Accounting Research, Vol.11, pp.65-88.
Ma, Y and Tayles, M. “On the Emergence of Strategic Management Accounting: an Institutional Perspective”, Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 39. 5 (2009) 473-49

Self assessment

Consider the end-of-chapter review questions for chapter 22


Attempt end-of-chapter exercises:

22.11  Strategy and balanced scorecard (Solution in Appendix A)

22.15  Balanced scorecard


From the Seminar Questions File

Q 5. Ochilpark


  1. Value chain analysis is a way to visually analyze a company's business activities to see how the company can create a competitive advantage for itself. Here are some Value Chain Analysis Tools to accurately perform value chain analysis effectively.


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