Strategic management accounting assignment 2014 Sept. onward

Individual Assignment title:
A Study of Contemporary Strategic Management Accounting:

Individual Assignment: 2500 words (50%) This will be a management report based on current business development which requires understanding of theoretical literature, ability to consider its application to a real situation, assessment and evaluation of the development.

It is over 20 years since the term Strategic Management Accounting was first introduced.  Since that time we have seen its development in many aspects and the incorporation of many innovative techniques to support modern business management. It is clearly appropriate that Traditional Management Accounting needs to evolve as the nature of organisations and businesses evolve.  Typical examples of this evolution are:

1. Value chain analysis and costing
2. Target costing
3. Economic Value Added (EVA) Analysis

You are required to select one of the above techniques.  You are required to investigate the topic, describe it, explain and discuss its contribution to contemporary strategic management accounting. The module leader and the local tutor are available to offer advice if you have any questions. 

Assessment criteria for Coursework.  Marks are awarded generally for:
Clarity and organisation of the material, displaying knowledge of the accounting development, coverage of the literature, demonstrating a link to contemporary management and strategy, coverage of limitations and problems.

The aspects of your report which you should give consideration to are:
Introduction to the technique, placing it within SMA,
appropriate practical insights (though detailed empirical work is not required, some valuable insight may be gained from published case studies),
its relevance linked to strategy,
reference to literature,
evaluation of the development and assessment of it compared say to previous practices or alternatives,
problems or limitations which apply,
and finally an appropriate summary or conclusion.

There is some flexibility with the above because I want to leave course members some freedom to express themselves (and make it interesting). 


A Management Report, 2500 words approx


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