BU MBA eCommerce workshop info

The following info is for the BU MBA ecommerce class from August 28 to 31, 2014

Textbook: Rana Tassabehji (2005) Applying e-commerce in business, Sage Publications, London.

The global IT report 2014
Info economy (oecd)
The long tail
Law of disruption
Strategy + business
What are network effects
New rules for new economy
Rise of crowdsourcing
9 examples of crowdsourcing
How does bitcoin work?
Bad behavior of email users
Data protection
Guide to Internet law
The dot-com survivors
Another digital gold-rush
Another tech bubble
Business models on the web
2014 info security breaches survey
How cyber-criminals attack websites
Office intruders bbc
Managing enterprise security
Playstations offline
Social networking (pdf)
Web gurus
e-commerce intelligence (pdf)
We are the web
Amazon apologize on cloud fault
10 best intranets


  1. Introduction to e-commerce
  2. The technology
  3. Elements of e-commerce: applications
  4. Security and e-commerce
  5. e-business models
  6. From dot com to dot bomb
  7. Public policies and legal issues
  8. The impact of e on economic and management thinking
  9. The future and beyond
Individual Assignment
Select one of the following questions for your individual assignment.
This assignment should be your own work and is worth 100% of the
total marks.  [this subject has no exam this time; only 1 assignment]
Length of assignment: 2,000 words

Question 1: Since the first Internet boom in the mid 1990s, there has
been consolidation and today, the Internet has an impact on the way we
work, play, communicate, learn and shop. In business and governmental
organisations throughout the world, new strategies, new business models
and new organisational designs have emerged to exploit the new
possibilities enabled by the Internet and related technologies. In the midst
of such radical changes, one fundamental question remains unanswered
today: What is e-business and does it still matter? If so, in what ways and
what can we do about it? Most of all, where is it going and what are the
main business opportunities and challenges? What are the implications for
your own organisation and for your sector in general and what can be
done about them?
l Outline the main contemporary issues in e-business and where it is
l Identify emerging opportunities and challenges for your sector in
general and for your organisation in particular. (If your own organisation
is not suitable for this assignment, please choose an organisation or
sector with which you are familiar.)
l Make some recommendations based on your findings.
This assignment will require you to conduct comprehensive research of
relevant literature (e.g. journal papers, books, consultancy and
government reports as well as newspaper and business magazine articles,
etc.) and real life examples. Your assignment should include a detailed
explanation of the issues with supporting evidence. You should also
include a list of e-business resources and references you used to inform
your assignment (not included in the 2,000 word limit). Your views must be
backed up with evidence and well-grounded critical reasoning. The focus
is on emerging e-business opportunities and challenges in your sector and
for your organisation – from a business perspective.

Question 2: e-Government is a concept that has revolutionised
bureaucracy and the way that governments operate in the 21st
Explain the concept of e-government and, using an example of your
choice, evaluate how effective e-government has been (or not). What are
the implications of e-government for the future?
You may use one country which has adopted e-government;
OR you can use an example of one country that has not adopted
e-government and evaluate whether it should or not;
OR you can make a comparative study of two countries.

Question 3: What has been the most successful business model of
the Internet age to date?
Analyse the different kinds of business models that have emerged from
the advent of the Internet and select one model that you consider to have
been the most successful. In your answer, you need to clearly
demonstrate what criteria of success you are using and why. Your answer
must demonstrate full reading and critical analysis of academic literature to
synthesise your argument. You should also include real life examples to
support your answer.

Question 4: New Internet-based technologies have transformed
whole industries, societies and/or ways of doing business.
You may select one of the three (industry, society, business) to focus on in
your answer. Do you believe this statement to be true? Referring to
academic literature and drawing on examples, synthesise an argument in
support of your beliefs. In your answer you must ensure that you critically
evaluate the concept of transformation, including criteria for assessing
transformation and how this has taken place.

The main purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate an
understanding of the concepts of e-business and to be able to question
and critically analyse relevant theories and models.
In the past, students that have tended to perform badly are those that:
a) Only provided a descriptive analysis, with no critical analysis or review
of the literature, with a presentation and justification of their views.
b) Provided a review of the technology and description of the technical
aspects and details.
c) Have not answered the question posed.

Do not focus merely on the descriptive, but give a detailed analysis
bringing in academic references and frameworks. Please make sure you
reference all your work appropriately. (Check your MBA manual and
supporting workbooks on referencing to make sure this is done correctly.)
There is a word limit of 2,000 words; you must therefore demonstrate your
writing skills in being able to include information that is relevant and to the
point. You must be succinct and only include information that will further
develop your argument and evidence wider reading. You may use
appendices in this assignment – these may support your argument,

however are not marked directly.

Class exercise: review of articles:

  1. "LinkedIn", The Economist Aug. 16, 2014
  2. "Society: The New Dating Game", Time Feb 17, 2014
  3. "M-health", The Economist Feb 1, 2014
  4. "Newspaper vs Google" The Economist Nov 10, 2012
  5. "Designing mature internet business strategy, by Angehrn (1997). European Management Journal.
  6. "Digital economics and the e-business dilemma" Business Horizon July-August 2004
  7. Kudo. 2010 "e-government as strategy ..." Financial Accountability and Management 26(1)
Also study carefully the following articles:
  1. Porter (2001) Strategy and the Internet, Harvard Business Review.
  2. Boyd and Ellison (2007) Social network sites, Journal of Computer-mediated communication 13(1)
  3. Clemons (2009) The complex problem of monetizing virtual electronic social network, Decision Support Systems 48(1)
  4. Phan (2003) e-Business development for competitive advantage, Information and Management 40 (6)
  5. Zott, Amit and Massa. 2011. The Business Model, Journal of Management 37(4)

Questions to considers: (presentation in 20 min.)
  1. Which parts of the article you find informative and inspiring; which not?
  2. Which viewpoints of the article you agree and which not?
  3. What e-business concepts and theories can be employed to examine the paper?
  4. What e-business examples can be employed to illustrate the ideas from the article?
  5. Make some e-business recommendations for improved management practices and/or consumer activities based on your review of the article.

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