When Independent Study proposal quality is very very very low

Quite a number of Independent Study (IS) proposals sent to me only offer to use secondary data and do not specifically mention a proper/ decent quantitative data analysis technique, e.g. multiple regression analysis or a chi-squared test. Many students do not understand what is literature review nor what is research methods. 
I highly recommend IS students to pick up a book on Research Methods to do some serious reading; if students have no intention to gather primary data, they should at least offer a decent quantitative analysis on secondary data, e.g. multiple regression analysis. If there is no primary data and no proper data analysis skill offered, the whole proposal quality is very low. If the literature review skill is also low; then quality of the proposal is very very very low... so low that the proposal can be rejected by the UK lecturer or that the report so produced will fail nor get a very marginal pass (if very very very lucky)!


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