Ethical approval form for dissertation projects (GW)

From now on, GW students in business management/ marketing need to fill in the ethical approval form from the University; I will discuss it in Research Methods workshop

Business School Application for Ethical Approval for Taught Degrees
June 2012

This form should be completed for any research involving primary data collection conducted by students on taught degrees of the Business School.  This procedure particularly aims to minimize ethical issues where the primary data involves human data and includes human beings and their records (such as medical, genetic, financial, personnel, criminal and test results including scholastic achievements).  Please note that no research may be conducted in the Business School where participants are children.

A copy of this application will be retained by the School for up to 6 years.  The Business School will provide summary information to University’s Research Ethics Committee (UREC) and will provide further information to UREC as requested.

Title of project:

2.        This Project is:
     UG Research linked to Taught Course*                         UG Dissertation*
             PG Research linked to a Taught Course*                       PG Dissertation*
*May require University UREC approval – if this is the case, then a new application using the UREC form will be required.


3.        Principal Investigator(s):

Family Name:
Given Name:
Banner ID:

4.            Details of the Project

Proposed start date:

Probable duration:

Brief outline of project(Describe the objectives and methods. Write approx 150 words in everyday language)

5.        Will the research involve primary data collection?
            Yes                                       No         (if ‘no’ go to Question 10)
            Will the research involve human participants?
            Yes                                       No         (if ‘no’ go to Question 10)

6.           Could the participants be considered to…
            a)  be vulnerable?  (e.g. mentally ill?)                                                         Yes                  No         
            b)  feel obliged to take part? (e.g. employees in organisationally sponsored projects)

If the answer to either of these is ‘yes’, please explain how ethical considerations will be minimised

7.        If the research generates data relating to individuals (e.g. interview quotes or unique questionnaire responses), describe the arrangements for maintaining anonymity and confidentiality

8.        Describe the arrangements for storing data and maintaining its security as part of the project.

It is a requirement of the Data Protection Act 1998 that individuals are aware of how information about them is managed.  Tick to confirm participants will be informed of data access and security arrangements.

9.            Describe how will participants be informed of the research project’s objectives, purpose and Data      Protection Act compliance (per question 8)Please attach a participant information sheet.

10.      If the research is going to be conducted within the University or its subsidiaries or partners, which Manager or Officer of the institution has granted access?

11.      If there are other relevant issues that have not been mentioned in this form please note them below:

12.      Declaration of Principal Investigator:
1.       The information contained in this application, is, to the best of my knowledge, complete and correct.  I/we have read the University of GW’s Research Ethics Policy and accept responsibility for the conduct of the procedures set out in this application in accordance with it.  I/we have attempted to identify all risks related to the research that may arise in conducting this research and acknowledge my/our obligations and the rights of the participants.
2.       I have discussed the project with my proposed academic supervisor or course leader, and she/he indicates they have approves the planned research.


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