Independent Study reports with no primary data

Some Independent Study (IS) students are very much interested in topics that do not require primary data (e.g. interview, survey questionnaires). I would suggest the following topics:

  1. Capital structure (e.g. gearing ratio)-related analysis
  2. Housing price analysis
  3. Exchange rate-related analysis

Anyway, topics that make use of economic data, financial ratios, and financial market data enable you to avoid gathering primary data.; these secondary data are easy to obtain via the Internet search. Having said that, you still need to do a proper literature review and you probably need to apply some statistical analysis, e.g. multiple regression analysis and chi-squared test. You may need to construct some charts based on your statistics for analysis.

Pls note that, if you choose to make use of financial ratios for analysis, do not just perform a financial ratio analysis because IS is not just a financial analysis exercise. You need to demonstrate that you know how to do literature review and you need to demonstrate that you have research skills (i.e.  to apply those skills as explained in the textbooks of Research Methods).


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