A dissertation proposal on general mgt capability on technology: an example

An example of a dissertation proposal at the Master Degree level, written by me:

Project (Dissertation) Title
An evaluation of the general management capability of  XYZ Company to cope with the impact of technology: a case study

(250 – 300 words)
The project is a case study to evaluate the general management capability of a company to cope with the impacts of technology.

In this case, the research method used is the case study research method; it is mainly a qualitative research. It explicitly applies Ansoff (1984)’s approach, together  with the  updated  literature on core competence.

The main aims of the projects are:

a.     To evaluate the general management capability of a company to cope with technological impacts
b.    To make recommendation to the client company on how to strengthen its general management capability to cope with technological impacts
c.     To evaluate the usefulness of enhancing Ansoff (1984) ’s approach with the theory of core competence via case study research

To conduct this project, the student needs to have approved access to a specific client system, e.g. as an employee of the client system.  The student needs to conduct literature review on technology management, Ansoff’s work on strategic management and core competence theory.

Ansoff, H.I. (1984) “Chapter 2.4: Strategic dimensions of Technology” Implanting Strategic Management, pp. 101-128, Prentice Hall.
Bolivar-Ramos, M.T., Garcia-Morales, V.J. and Garcia-Sanchez, E. (2012) “Technological distinctive competencies and organizational learning: Effects on organizational innovation to improve firm performance” Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 29, 331-357.
Cardy, R.L. and Selvarajan, T.T. (2006) “Competencies: Alternative  frameworks for competitive advantage” Business Horizons 49, pp. 235-245.
Christiansen, J.K. Hansen, A., Varnes, C.J. and Mikkola, J.H. (2005) “Competence Strategies in Organizing Product Development” Creativity and Innovation Management 14(4), pp. 384-392.
Edgar, W.B., Lockwood, C.A. (2011) “Understanding, finding, and applying core competencies: a framework, guide, and description for corporate managers and research professionals”, Academy of Strategic Management Journal 10(2), pp. 61-82
Harison, E. and Boonstra, A. (2009) “Essential competencies for technochange management: Towards an assessment model” International Journal of Information Management 29, pp. 283-294.
Higgins, J.M. (1996) “Achieving the Core Competence – It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3, … 47,48, 49” Business Horizon, March-April, pp. 27-32
Lei, D., Hitt, M.A. and Bettis, R. (1996) “Dynamic core competences through meta-learning and strategic context” Journal of Management 22(4) pp. 549-569.
Loksinn, B., Gils, A.V. and Bauer, E. (2009) “Crafting firm competencies to improve innovative performance” European Management Journal 27, pp. 187-196.
Mills, J., Platts, K., Bourne, M., and Richards, H. (2002) Strategy and Performance: Competing through competences, Cambridge University Press
Moehrle, M.G, and Lessing, H. (2004) “Profiling Technological Competencies of Companies: A Case Study Based on The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving” Creativity and Innovation Management 13(4) December, pp. 231-239.
Patel, P. and Pavitt, K. (1997) “The technological competencies of the world’s largest firms: complex and path-dependent, but not much variety” Research Policy 26, pp. 141-156.
Petroni, A. (1998) “The analysis of dynamic capabilities in a competence-oriented organization” Technovation 18(3), pp. 179-189.
Wang, Y.G., Lo, H.P. and Yang, Y.H. (2004) “The constituents of core competencies and firm performance: evidence from high-technology firms in China” Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 21, pp. 249-280.
Yin, R.K. (1989) Case Study Research: Design and Methods, SAGE Publications


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