Upcoming SMA topics - JIT & BSC

The upcoming lecture on Strategic Management Accounting (SMA) covers teaching plan (session 2). I will focus on Chapter 21 of the textbook (on JIT) and will also explain a bit more on the topic of Balanced Scorecard (BSC) [re: Chapter 22]. The following links are relevant:

  1. On JIT: http://josephho33.blogspot.hk/2011/10/reviewing-just-in-time-accounting-from.html
  2. On Balanced Scorecard: http://josephho33.blogspot.hk/2011/10/balanced-scorecard-brief-note.html
May have time to touch on the topic of Activity Based  Costing: http://josephho33.blogspot.hk/2011/10/activity-based-costing-brief-note.html

* Chapter # refers to the chapters in the subject textbook of SMA



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