Research in IT Seminar 3 and 4 tasks: briefing

The following tasks are for Research in IT (NCC) seminars 3 and 4:

Seminar 3 tasks:

Key notions covered:

  • Facebook forum on Systems thinking:!/groups/272833847547/
  • Schoderbek, P.P., Schderbek, C.G. and Kefalas, A.G. (1985) Conceptual Considerations, Business Publications, Inc.
  • Zexian, Y. and Xuhui, Y. (2010) "Research Paper: A Revolution in the Field of Systems Thinking - A Review of Checkland's System Thinking" Systems Research and Behavioral Science Vol 27, pp. 140-155.

Seminar 4 tasks:

Key notions covered in Seminar 4 tasks:

Turban, E., Leidner, D., McLean, E. and Wetherbe, J. (2008) Information Technology for Management, Wiley.


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